ࡱ> :<9 c Ujbjb!! "0KKUpppppppllll$5",WRpppRpppppppp _l0511p$ David R. Stronck, Department of Teacher Education, California State University, East Bay; Hayward, CA 94542; phone (510) 885-3005 Email: david.stronck@csueastbay.edu Graduate Education: Ph.D. Science Education, Oregon State University, Corvallis M. S. Biological Sciences, O.S.U., Corvallis Professional Appointments: 1989-present: Professor of Science Education, C.S.U., East Bay. 1984-89 Associate Professor of Science Education, C.S.U., E.B. (tenured in 1989) 1978-84 Associate Professor, Natural Sciences, Univ. of Victoria, B. C., Canada (tenured, 1981) 1973-78 Associate Professor, Biology, Washington State University, Pullman (tenured, 1973) 1971-73 Assistant Professor, Biology, W.S.U., Pullman 1969-71 Assistant Professor, Science Education, University of Texas at Austin 1968-69 Lecturer, Biology, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, California 1967-68 Credentialed High School Science Teacher in San Mateo, California 1965-67 Graduate Student, Oregon State Univ. by fellowship of the National Science Foundation. Major Offices Held in Professional Associations: 1998-2013 Member of the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Biotechnology Education Consortium 2005-2011 Member of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the Textbook League 2000-present Manuscript Review Panel for The American Biology Teacher. 1992-2005 Chair of Awards Committee of the CSU, East Bay Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. 1984-94 Member of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science; Chair of Committees, 1987-89. 1982-95 Member of the Advisory Board of the National Family Life Education Network 1984-93 Member of the Board of the California Science Teachers Association; Chair of State-wide Convention, 1991-93; Editor of Journal, 1985-1989 1989-91 and 1983-85 Member of the Board of the National Science Teachers Association (elected Director of the Research Division, 1983-85) 1984-87 Manuscript Review Panel for The Journal of College Science Teaching 1980-83 Coordinator of Region X of the National Association of Biology Teachers. 1979-83 Editor of the British Columbia Science TeachersJournal. 1976-77 President of the Washington Science Teachers Association; on Board, 1971-78. First Author of 2 books: (1) 2007 Health, Science and Safety in the Elementary School. Dubuque, Iowas: Kendal/Hunt Publishing Co. (2) 2006 Doing the 4Rs: An Activity Guide to Teach Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot. San Leandro, CA: The Alameda County Waste Management Authority. Sole Author of six other books: e.g., 1988 You and our Body: Teachers Guide. Nashua, New Hampshire: Delta Education. Sole Compiler and Editor of two books: e.g., 1982 Discussing Sex in the Classroom. Washington, D. C.: National Science Teachers Association. Sole Author of 22 Articles Reporting Statistical Research in Major Journals e.g., 1987 Teachers attitudes toward science coordination in British Columbias school districts. Science Education, 71 (1): 21-27. Sole Author of 35 other major articles in national journals: e.g., A Helpful Tenure Process. Fall 2004 issue of the Phi Kappa Phi Forum, Volume 84, Number 4, pages 28-29. Sole Author of 100 articles in state-level journals: e.g. 1995 School-to-work: science courses to science careers. California Science Teachers Association Journal 24 (2):25-27. Sole Author of 30 invited reviews published in national-level journals. Sole Author of 13 chapters contributed to books, e.g., five Activities in the book: In: Ritter, Lois, (Ed). (2009 ). Great Ideas: Active Ways to Teach Health and Wellness. San Francisco: Pearson Benjamin Cummings. ISBN: 0-321-54008-5, pages 8-10, 12-14, 24-25, 31-32, and 37-38. He has served as the reviewer of an average of 3 books or articles each year. 2000-present Manuscript Review Panel for The American Biology Teacher. Director of Externally Funded Projects for more than $3 million: 1971-2013 Director or Co-Director of 15 grants for the National Science Foundation: e.g., 2008-2012, Co-Director of CSU East Bay Robert Noyce Scholarship Program for $750,000. 2000-2003 Co-Director with Subcontract from Laney College, "Bioscience Education to Employment" 1994-1997, Director of Expanding the Biotechnology Program of the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area, funded at $250,000. 1997-2013 Director of East Bay Biotechnology Education Partnership, funded annually for a total of $1,031,604 by the Genentech Foundation for Biomedical Sciences until 2011. Since 2012, funded by the Bayer Foundation. 2005-2008 Director of three grants from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority for approximately $100,000. 1989-1993 and 2007-2009: Director of 4 grants from the U. S. Dept. of Education for Drug-Free Schools and Communities for $263,137. Responsibilities at C.S.U., East Bay include or have recently included: (1) preparation of candidates for the teaching credentials in science through methods courses; (2) placement of student teachers in the schools and their supervision; (3) directing research of graduate students who are science teachers; (4) teaching graduate seminars in science education; (5) academic advising of students who are interested in science education; (6) presenter at an average of five conventions or conferences per year. (7) chairing numerous committees, e.g., Promotion, Tenure and Promotion; revision of credential program to meet new California law; search for new faculty members; restructuring the administration of the department; Faculty Affairs Committee, etc. Some Awards: 2011 Outstanding Service to Education by the CSU East Bay Diablo Chapter of PDK. 2005 Curriculum Innovation in Service Learning at the Calif. State Univ., East Bay. 2001 Service to Environmental Education awarded at Project Learning Trees national conference 1988 Distinguished Service to Science Teaching at the state-wide convention of the California Science Teachers Association. 1987 Outstanding Professor, by the Phi Delta Kappa Chapter at the Calif. State Univ., Hayward. 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