Old Course | New Course |
2100 Introduction to Communication (4) |
2300 21st Century Communication (4) |
3000 History of MCOM (4) |
3000 History & Crit of Comm (4) |
3004 Applied Research I (4) |
3004 Quantitative Research (4) |
3005 Applied Research II (4) |
3005 Qualitative Research (4) |
3010 Reporting Writing (4) |
3010 Intermediate News Writing & Editing (4) |
3020 PR Writing (4) |
3220-3223 Media Workshops |
3100 TV Production Direction (4) |
3100 Intro to Pro Video Production (4) |
3110 Law of MCOM (4) |
4205 Ethics & Law in Comm (4) |
3140 Broadcast News II (4) |
4006 Intermediate Video Production (4) |
3220 Workshop Print (2) |
3220 Media Workshop: Print (2) |
3232 Workshop TV (2) |
3232 Media Workshop: Video (2) |
3310 Editing (4) |
4885/4890 Senior Project (4) |
3350 Magazine Publishing (4) |
3221 Media Workshop: Magazine (2) and 3222 Edit and Opinion (2) |
3410 Feature Writing (4) |
3223 Media Workshop: Advertising & PR (2) and 3232 Video (2) |
3411 Argumentation & Debate (4) |
2201 Argumentation & Debate (4) |
3530 Interviewing (4) |
3530 Interview Principles & Practices (4) |
4050 Theories of MCOM (4) |
3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4) |
4100 TV Documentary (4) |
4890 Senior Project (4) |
4110 International Comm (4) |
4300 Intercultural International (4) |
4150 Mass Media & Government (4) |
4150 Media & Government (4) |
4183 Speech/Debate (1-3) |
3898 Co-Op Education (1-4) or COMM 3220-3223, 3232 |
4201 Comp Trad of Rhetoric (4) |
4885 Senior Project (4) |
4350 Persuasive Speaking (4) |
3560 Persuasion Theory & Practice (4) |
4411 Principles of Argument (4) |
3204 Reason in Controversy (4) |
4450 Selected Topics (4) |
3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4) |
4460 Am Public Address (4) |
4520 Advertising Form & Function (4) |
4520 Advertising (4) |
4520 Advertising Form & Function (4) |
4550 Comm Criticism (4) |
3000 History & Crit of Comm (4) |
4560 Ethics in Comm (4) |
4205 Ethics & Law in Comm (4) |
4610 Rhetoric of Popular Culture (4) |
3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4) |
4615 Modern Rhet Theory (4) |
4510 Public Relations (4) |
4650 Media Internship (2-4) |
3898 Co-Op Education (1-4) or COMM 3220-3223, 3232 |
4810 Human Comm (4) |
4107 Relational Comm in Org (4) |
4830 Intercultural Comm (4) |
4300 Intercultural International (4) |
4840 Organizational Comm (4) |
3107 Intro to Org Comm (4) |
4850 Gender & Comm (4) |
4500 Gender ID Representation in Media (4) |
4860 Ethnic Public Address (4) |
4500 Gender ID Representation in Media (4) |
4870 Methods of Research (4) |
4207 Organizational Transformation (4) |
4880 Conflict Resolution (4) |
4880 Conflict Mgmt (4) |