Curriculum Transition Matrix

Old CourseNew Course
2100 Introduction to Communication (4) 2300 21st Century Communication (4)
3000 History of MCOM (4) 3000 History & Crit of Comm (4)
3004 Applied Research I (4) 3004 Quantitative Research (4)
3005 Applied Research II (4) 3005 Qualitative Research (4)
3010 Reporting Writing (4) 3010 Intermediate News Writing & Editing (4)
3020 PR Writing (4) 3220-3223 Media Workshops
3100 TV Production Direction (4) 3100 Intro to Pro Video Production (4)
3110 Law of MCOM (4) 4205 Ethics & Law in Comm (4)
3140 Broadcast News II (4) 4006 Intermediate Video Production (4)
3220 Workshop Print (2) 3220 Media Workshop: Print (2)
3232 Workshop TV (2) 3232 Media Workshop: Video (2)
3310 Editing (4) 4885/4890 Senior Project (4)
3350 Magazine Publishing (4) 3221 Media Workshop: Magazine (2) and 3222 Edit and Opinion (2)
3410 Feature Writing (4) 3223 Media Workshop: Advertising & PR (2) and 3232 Video (2)
3411 Argumentation & Debate (4) 2201 Argumentation & Debate (4)
3530 Interviewing (4) 3530 Interview Principles & Practices (4)
4050 Theories of MCOM (4) 3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4)
4100 TV Documentary (4) 4890 Senior Project (4)
4110 International Comm (4) 4300 Intercultural International (4)
4150 Mass Media & Government (4) 4150 Media & Government (4)
4183 Speech/Debate (1-3) 3898 Co-Op Education (1-4) or COMM 3220-3223, 3232
4201 Comp Trad of Rhetoric (4) 4885 Senior Project (4)
4350 Persuasive Speaking (4) 3560 Persuasion Theory & Practice (4)
4411 Principles of Argument (4) 3204 Reason in Controversy (4)
4450 Selected Topics (4) 3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4)
4460 Am Public Address (4) 4520 Advertising Form & Function (4)
4520 Advertising (4) 4520 Advertising Form & Function (4)
4550 Comm Criticism (4) 3000 History & Crit of Comm (4)
4560 Ethics in Comm (4) 4205 Ethics & Law in Comm (4)
4610 Rhetoric of Popular Culture (4) 3002 Comm, Media & Culture (4)
4615 Modern Rhet Theory (4) 4510 Public Relations (4)
4650 Media Internship (2-4) 3898 Co-Op Education (1-4) or COMM 3220-3223, 3232
4810 Human Comm (4) 4107 Relational Comm in Org (4)
4830 Intercultural Comm (4) 4300 Intercultural International (4)
4840 Organizational Comm (4) 3107 Intro to Org Comm (4)
4850 Gender & Comm (4) 4500 Gender ID Representation in Media (4)
4860 Ethnic Public Address (4) 4500 Gender ID Representation in Media (4)
4870 Methods of Research (4) 4207 Organizational Transformation (4)
4880 Conflict Resolution (4) 4880 Conflict Mgmt (4)