Glynn H Custred Faculty Profile

Glynn  H  Custred

Professor of Anthropology (Linguistics)

Department of Anthropology, Geography & Environmental Studies

Courses Taught

Recent Scholarship

1990: The Primacy of Standard Language in Modern Education. American Behavioral Scientist 334: 232-239.
1977: Peasant Kinship, Kinship Subsistence and Economics in A High Altitude Andean Environment. In Andean Kinship and Marriage Special Publication of the American Anthropological Assn., No. 7.

Research Interests

Dr. Custred's most recent activities have been on border issues, with various articles for the popular press as well as for the Center for Immigration Studies (See "Borders of North America" in the Center for Immigration Studies Backgrounder series He has also written on the use of oral and linguistic material for the assessment of cultural affiliation for the Center for the Study of the First Americans and in an amicus curiae brief for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on oral traditions and cultural affiliation in the case of the Kennewick Man ( He has also written an article, "Folk Speech" for the Sage Publication's Encyclopedia of Anthropology.

  • B.A., 1962, European History, Indiana University
  • M.A., 1965, Latin American History, Indiana University
  • Ph.D., 1973, Anthropology, Indiana University

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