David Larson Faculty Profile

Photo of David Larson

David  Larson

Professor Emeritus

Department of Anthropology, Geography & Environmental Studies

A CSUEB faculty member for over 30 years, Dr. Larson earned the B.S. in
agricultural and resource economics and M.A. and Ph.D. in geography from U.C.
Berkeley. His academic interests are environmental history, environmental
impacts, water resources, and the American West. Primary teaching
responsibilities have included Environmental Field Methods, Historical
Geography of North America, Environmental Impact Analysis and the
department’s writing and research seminar. Off-campus professional activity has
included creek restoration and habitat improvement projects and environmental

The longtime chair of AGES, Dr. Larson also served for two years as the Interim
Dean of the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences; for four years as the
university’s Diversity and Equity Liaison Officer for tenure-track faculty
appointments; and for 15 years as Cal State East Bay’s Faculty Athletics
Representative to the NCAA and CCAA. His peers have elected him to the
Academic Senate and its Executive Committee for multiple terms. Faculty
governance service includes the Senate’s standing committees on curriculum
and instruction, academic program review, faculty diversity and equity, and faculty
Dr. Larson has represented Cal State East Bay abroad while teaching at
Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand and nationally and regionally on
editorial boards and conference program committees. Community engagement
has come most prominently through government service: a combined nine years
on the Integrated Waste Management and Recycling Services task forces for the
City of El Cerrito.
A distance runner and cyclist, he has competed in marathons and other
endurance events for four decades and he regularly travels the world to attend
global sporting events.

Not teaching this semester.