Kathryn (Katie) J. Strom, Ph.D Faculty Profile

Kathryn (Katie)  J.  Strom, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Department of Educational Leadership

  • E-mail: kathryn.strom2@csueastbay.edu
  • Phone: (510) 885-4145
  • Office: AE 211
  • Home Page:
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Kathryn (Katie) Strom is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at California State University, East Bay and Director of CSUEB’s Center for Research on Equity and Collaborative Engagement. Dr. Strom combines multiple critical and complex/neomaterialist theories to study teacher learning and practice (particularly in support of multilingual youth), as well as to advocate more broadly for more relational, difference-affirmative ways of thinking-being-doing in education and academia.

Dr. Strom has been a leader in bringing theories of critical complexity to the field of teacher education. Most recently, she led a double special issue on non-linear perspectives in teacher development in the journal Professional Development in Education, overseeing the curation and publication of a set of 22 papers using multiple complexity perspectives to develop knowledge regarding teacher learning, development, and ongoing support. She is also the co-author of Becoming-Teacher: A Rhizomatic Look at First Year Teaching and Decentering the Researcher in Intimate Scholarship: Critical Posthuman Methodological Perspectives. Dr. Strom has participated as senior research personnel in projects including the federally-funded International Consortium of Multilingual Excellence in Education (ICMEE) and NSF-funded STEAM Language, Learning, and Identity for Multilingual Learners project, and currently serves as a research advisor to the Smithsonian Institute’s Network for Emergent Socio-Scientific Thinking (NESST). In 2021, Dr. Strom co-founded the Posthuman Research Nexus, a global organization that supports and connects scholars engaging in posthuman and other complexity perspectives through monthly research socials, mentoring workshops, and reading groups.


  • Critical Posthuman/Materialist Theories (e.g., Deleuze, Guattari, Braidotti) and Teacher Learning/Practice
  • Teacher Learning Along the Professional Continuum (Preservice, Induction, In-service)
  • Critical, Culturally and Linguistically Responsive, and Social Constructivist Pedagogies
  • Socio-Political and Cultural Contexts of Schooling
  • Qualitative and Post-Qualitative Research Methodology
  • Practitioner Methodologies (Practitioner Action Research, Collaborative Inquiry, Self Study)
  • Sociocultural, Situated Learning, and Sociolinguistic Theories and Teaching
  • Doctoral Preparation for Leading/Teaching/Researching for Social Justice 

  • Ph.D, Teacher Education and Teacher Development Montclair State University, 2014
  • M.Ed., Cross-Cultural Education, National University, 2007
  • Single Subject Social Studies Credential, California, 2007
  • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
EDLD 71001Soc & Cult Fdn EducSA9:00AM2:00PMAE-0368
EDLD 78404Diss Cmte Sem IVARRARR
EDLD 79003Proposal Development IARRARR


  • Strom, K. (In preparation). Scaffolding Writing at the Doctoral Level.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T, & Abrams, L. (Eds; In press). Non-linear perspectives on teacher development: Complexity in professional learning and practice. Taylor & Francis.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K.(Eds., 2019). Exploring gender and LGBTQ Issues in K-12 and teacher education: A rainbow assemblage.Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T., & Ovens, A. (Eds., 2018). Decentering the researcher in intimate scholarship: Posthuman materialist perspectives in education. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
  • Strom, K., & Martin, A.(2017). Becoming-Teacher: A rhizomatic look at first-year teaching.Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
Refereed Journal Guest Editorships
  • Strom, K., Mills, T, & Abrams, L. (2021). Non-Linear perspectives on teacher learning and practice. Professional Development in Education. Double Issue, 47(2-3)
  • Strom, K., Ringrose, J., Osgood, J., & Renold, E. (In preparation). PhEmaterialism: Response-able research and pedagogy. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodologies.
  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (Eds.,2017). Putting Theory to Work in Teacher Education. Issues in Teacher Education. 26(3).
  • Strom, K.,& Porfilio, B. (Eds., 2017). Social justice in educational doctorate programs. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 2(1).

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles  

  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (Under review, American Educational Research Journal).Toward Relational Justice: Understanding Asset-based Science Pedagogical Moves with Multilingual Youth through Micro-Analysis of Positioning Events.
  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (Under review, TESOL Journal). Developing Orientations toward Relational Justice: The Power of Collectivist Language.
  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (In press). Enacting posthuman ethics to do academia differently: Toward an affirmative peer reviewing practice. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry.
  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (In press). Enacting affirmative ethics through autotheory: Sense-making with affect during COVID-19. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2022). . Teaching and Teacher Education. Released online ahead of print.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T. & Abrams, L. (2021). Illuminating A Continuum of Complex Perspectives in Teacher Development. Professional Development in Education, 47(2-3), 199-208.   
  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (2021). Affirmative Ethics and Affective Scratchings: A diffractive re-view of Posthuman Knowledge and Mapping the Affective Turn. Matter, 2(1), 200-223.
  • Strom, K. & Viesca, K. (2020). Toward a complex conceptualization of teacher learning-
  • practice. Professional Development in Education 47(2-3), 209-224.
  • Margolis, J. & Strom, K. (2020). Assessing the success of teacher leadership: The case for asking new questions. Professional Development in Education.
  • Strom, K. (2020). Learning from a ‘Lost Year’: An Autotheoretical Journey through Anxiety and Panic. Capacious.
  • Strom, K., Ringrose, J., Osgood, J., & Renold, E. (2019). PhEmaterialism: Response-able research and pedagogy. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodologies, 10(23).
  • Strom, K., Margolis, J., & Polat, N. (2019). Teacher professional dispositions: Much assemblage required. Teachers College Record, 121(11). https://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=22813
  • Porfilio, B., & Strom, K. (2019). In pursuit of socially just and socio-culturally responsive educational leadership preparation: One Ed.D. program’s process of transformation. Journal of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, 3(2).
  • Viesca, K.M., Strom, K., Hammer, S., Masterson, J., Linzell, C., Mitchell-McCullough, J., & Flynn, F. (In press). Improving content teaching for multilingual students via complex theoretical understandings of teacher learning-practice. Review of Research in Education. 
  • Strom, K. & Porfilio, B. (2019). Critical hybrid pedagogies: A self-study inquiry into faculty practices in a blended educational leadership EdD program. E-learning and Digital Media, 16(1), 1-14. 
  • Strom, K.,Martin, A., & Villegas, A. M. (2018). Clinging to the edge of chaos: The emergence of novice teacher practice.Teachers College Record. Out ahead of  print:
  • Strom, K., & Dailey, A. (2018).Non-linear negotiations: Constructing practice as a first-year teacher. Teacher Education Quarterly, 45(3), 7-28.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Dacey, C., & Abrams, L. (2018).Thinking with posthuman perspectives in self-study research. Studying Teacher Education, 14(2), 141-155. https://doi.org/10.1080/17425964.2018.1462155
  • Strom, K., Haas, E., Danzig, A., Martinez, E., & McConnell, K. (2018). Preparing educational leaders to think differently in polarized, post-truth times. Educational Forum, 82(3),259-277.
  •  Lucas, T., Strom, K.,Bratkovich, M., & Wnuk, J. (2018). Inservice preparation for mainstream teachers of English language learners: A review of empirical literature. Educational Forum, 82(2), 156-183.
  • Strom, K. (2018). ‘That’s not very Deleuzian’: Interrupting the exclusionary nature of ‘high theory’. Journal of Educational Theory and Philosophy, 50(1), 104-113.
  • Strom, K.,& Martin, A. (2017). Thinking with theory in an era of Trump. Issues in Teacher Education, 26(3), 3-22.
  • Strom, K.,& Porfilio, B. (2017).Centering social justice in EdD Programs. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 2(1), 15-18.
  • Strom, K.,Plough, B., & Porfilio, B. (2016).Preparing educational leaders for social justice in a blended educational doctorate program: An initial action research inquiry. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice 1(1).
  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2016). Pursuing lines of flight: Enacting equity-based instruction in the first year of teaching. Policy Futures in Education, 14(2), 252-273.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E. J., Onore, C., Strom, K.,& Abrams, L. (2016). Exploring inquiry in the third space: Case studies of the first year in an urban teacher residency program. The New Educator, 12(3), 243-268.
  •  Martin, A., & Strom, K.(2016). Toward a linguistically responsive teacher identity: An empirical review of the literature. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 10(4), 239-253.  
  • Strom, K.(2015). Teaching as assemblage: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 66(4), 321-333.
  • Martin, A., & Strom, K.(2015). Neoliberalism and the teaching of English learners: Decentering the teacher and student subject. SoJo Journal, 1(1), 23-43.
  • Klein, E. J., Taylor, M., & Onore, C., Strom, K.,& Abrams, L. (2013). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency with Montclair State University and the Newark public schools. Teaching Education, 24(1), 27-57.
  • Strom, K.,& Martin, A. (2013).Putting philosophy to work in the classroom. Studying Teacher Education, 9(3), 219-235.
  • Villegas, A. M.,Strom, K., & Lucas, T. (2012). Closing the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers: An elusive goal.  Equity and Excellence in Education, 45(2), 283-301.

Book Chapters.

  • Kayumova, S. & Strom, K. (In Press). Ontology, Epistemology, and Critical Theory in STEM Education. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
  • Strom, K., Viesca, K., & Masterson, J. (In press). Disrupting deficit through radical re-Imaginings of urban student subjectivities andkKnowledges. In M. Dougherty& G. Judson, Cultivating imagination in leadership: Transforming schools and communities. Teachers College Press. 
  • Strom, K. (2022). Immanence and a pedagogy of vulnerability: Teaching with anxiety and panic disorder. In T. Kress, C. Emdin, & B. Lake (Eds), Critical pedagogy for healing (pp. 59-70). Bloomsbury.
  • Strom, K. (2019). Adopting a Complex, Decentered Perspective of Teaching Marginalized Students. In P. Jenlink, Teacher Preparation at the Intersection of  Race and Poverty in Today's Schools (pp. 103-106). Rowman &Littlefield. 
  • Mills, T., Strom, K., Abrams, L. & Dacey, C. (2020). More-than critical friendship: A posthuman analysis of subjectivity and practices in neoliberal work spaces. In C. Edge, A. Cameron-Standerford, & B. Bergh (Eds.), Textiles and Tapestries. EdTech Books.
  • Strom, K.,& J. Lupinacci. (2019). Posthuman pedagogies in two educational leadership program qualitative research sequences. In C. Taylor & A. Bayley (Eds.) Posthumanism and higher education: Reimagining pedagogy, practice and  research (pp. 103-121).  London: Palgrave.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Abrams, L., & Dacey, C. (2018). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Pushing boundaries and crossing borders: Self-study as a means for researching pedagogy (pp. 35-41). Herstmonceaux.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (forthcoming). Coping as a line of flight in a linguistically  diverse kindergarten classroom. In P. Miller & T. Rishel (Eds.), Stress and coping of English learners in the 21st century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 
  • Strom, K. (2016). Teaching assemblages: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. In W. Reynolds and J. Webber (Eds), Expanding curriculum theory: Dis/positions and lines of flight. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum. 
  • Strom, K., Abrams, L., Dacey, C., & Mills, T. (2016). “I, Teacher Educator”: Grappling with ethical responsibility, hybrid pedagogies, and neoliberal agendas in mangled educational spaces. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 53-59). Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP. 
  • Ovens, A., Strom, K., & Garbett, D. (2016). A rhizomatic reading of becoming teacher educator. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.), Enacting self-study as methodology for professional inquiry (pp. 181-187). Herstmonceux, UK: S-STEP. 
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2016). Thinking with Rhizomatics in self-study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer. 
  • Dacey, C., Strom, K., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (2016). Toward the future of self study. In A. Ovens & D. Garbett (Eds.) Being a self-study researcher in a digital world: Future oriented research and pedagogy in self-study. Springer. 
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2015). Deterritorializing Neoliberal thought and practice in the classroom. In M. Abendroth & B. Profilio (Eds), School against the Neoliberal rule: Educational fronts for social justice (pp. 171-186). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press. 
  • Strom, K & Lesperance, R. (2015). Inquiry and induction in the third space. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing. 
  • Taylor, M., Diaz, A.,Taylor, J., Strom, K., & Perry-Ryder, G. (2015). Teaching for Social Justice with Inquiry Cycles. In M. Taylor & E.J. Klein (Eds.), A year in the life of an urban teacher residency: Using inquiry to reinvent math and science education in the third space. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing. 
  • Strom, K., Abi-Hanna, R., Dacey, C., & Duplaise, J. (2014). Exploring and connecting lines of flight. In M. Taylor & L. Coia (eds.), Gender, feminism, and queer theory in the self-study of teacher education practices (pp. 31-44). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishing.


  • Strom, K. Scaffolding the Language of Power in Doctoral Programs (2022). Presentation at the Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate Annual Convening in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Kayumova, S., Strom, K., & Tageuchi, M. (2022). Micro-Level interactions as sites ofassets-based transformation. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.
  • Ansari, S., Strom, K., & Hayes, K. (2022). Learning at the mid-point: In-process teacher development of inquiry-based science pedagogies for multilingual learners. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T., & Dacey, C. (2021). More-than critical friendship: Exploring relational capacity through posthuman self-study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (virtual).  
  • Strom, K. (2021). Enacting affirmative ethics through methodological hybridization: An affective autotheoretical journey with anxiety and panic disorder. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (virtual).
  • Strom, K. (2019). Putting theory to work in social justice research for educational leaders: A critical posthuman perspective. In symposium, Operationalizing social justice in educational leadership programs: Perspectives from practice. Paper presented at the University Council on Educational Administration Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
  • Strom, K. (2019). Diffracting theory in educational leadership programs: A critical posthuman perspective. In symposium, Feminist posthuman pedagogies in teacher and leadership preparation. Paper presented at the Gender and EducationAssociation Annual Meeting in London, UK.
  • Strom, K. & Viesca, K. (2019). Toward a complex framework for conceptualizing teacher learning-practice. Paper presented at the American Educational ResearchAssociation 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.
  • Mills, T., Strom, K.,Dacey, C., Abrams, L. (2019). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.
  • Fairchild, N., Sidebottom, K., & Strom, K.(2019). Feminist posthuman pedagogies in teacher and leadership preparation. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.
  • Wallace, M., & Strom, K. (2019). Kinds of teachers: Pursuing a posthuman engagement with(in) ideas about ‘good teaching.’Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.
  • Strom, K., Mills, T., Dacey, C., Abrams, L. (2018). Putting posthuman theory to work in collaborative self-study. Paper accepted for presentation at the 12thInternational Conference on the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, East Sussex, England.
  • Mills, T., & Strom, K. (2018). Producing and being produced by theoretical analysis: A diffractive self-study. Paper accepted for presentation at the Invisible College at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.
  • Margolis, J., Strom, K.,& Nihat, P. (2018). Teacher professional dispositions: Much assemblage required. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.
  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2018). Coping as a line of flight in a linguistically diverse classroom. Paper accepted for the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.
  • Martin, A., & Strom, K. (2018). What’s the ‘T’? Queer realities and queer possibilities in K-12 teacher education. Symposium accepted for the American Educational Research Association 2018 Annual Meeting in New York, NY.
  • Strom, K. & Mills, T. (2017). Constructing beginning teaching practice: A diffractive reading. Paper proposal submitted to the 2017 biennial Summer Institute in Qualitative Research in Manchester, UK.
  • Strom, K., Porfilio, B., & Lupinacci, J. (2017). Defining and Operationalizing Social Justice in EdD programs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.
  • Strom, K. & Porfilio, B. (2017). Critical Hybrid Pedagogies: A Self-Study Inquiry into Faculty Practices in a Blended Educational Leadership EdD. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX.
  • Strom, K., Martin, A., & Dacey, C. (2017). Constructing Lines of Flight in A First-Year Special Education Biology Teacher’s Classroom. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association 2017 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. In panel, The Curriculum of Lines of Flight in Transformative Pedagogies: Resistances in the Age of Neoliberalism.
  • Strom, K. (2017). Interrogating Researcher Distance and Objectivity in an Educational Leadership Research Sequence. Paper accepted for presentation at the Hawaii International Conference on Education Annual Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Strom, K. & Porfilio, B. (2016). Intimate Scholarship as Social Justice Inquiry. Presentation delivered at the Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate (CPED) October convening in Augusta, GA.
  • Strom, K., Dacey, C., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (2016). I, Teacher Educator: Grappling with Ethical Responsibility, Hybrid Pedagogies, and Neoliberal Agendas in ‘Mangled’ Educational Spaces. Paper submitted to the 11th International Conference on the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, East Sussex, England.
  • Martin, A. & Strom, K. (2016). Toward a linguistically responsive teacher identity. Paper submitted to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Strom, K., Dacey, C., Abrams, L., & Mills, T. (2016). Working the Tensions of Technology, Relationships and Embodied Materiality in a Self-Study Community. Paper submitted to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Ovens, A., Garbett, D., & Strom, K. (2016). Becoming-Teacher educator: A self-study using Deleuzian concepts. Paper submitted to the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
  • Strom, K., Porfilio, B., & Plough, B. (2015). Preparing Educational Leaders for Social Justice in a Blended Professional Doctorate Program. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) in San Diego, CA.
  • Strom, K. & Porfilio, B. (2015). Getting explicit about social justice: Operationalizing an elusive construct in neoliberal times. Presentation delivered at the Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate (CPED) October 2015 convening in Boca Raton, FL.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2015). Using multiple technologies to put rhizomatics to work in self-study. Paper presented at the International Study Association of Teachers & Teaching biennial conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Strom, K. & Hamburger, L. (2015). Formatively assessing students and teachers to drive development. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 2015, Chicago, IL.
  • Strom, K., Walqui, A., & Hamburger, L. (2015). Connecting theory and practice through coaching cycles: Inservice professional development for teachers of ELLs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 2015, Chicago, IL.
  • Strom, K. & Martin, A. (2015). Decentering a neoliberal second language paradigm. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 2015, Chicago, IL.
  • Strom, K. (2014). Teaching as rhizomatic activity: Negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching. In M. Cochran-Smith (organizer), The problem of linear thinking in research on teacher learning: can complexity theories help? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Abrams, L., Strom, K., Dauplaise, J., Abi-Hanna, R., Dacey, C. (2014). Engaging with theory in self-study research. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Self Study of Teacher Education Practices, East Sussex, England.
  • Strom, K., & Pires, M. (2013). Rhizomatics as a methodology of hope and transformation. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Strom, K. (2013). Negotiating instructional practice during the first year of teaching. In Strom, K. & Taylor, M. (chairs), Building systemic and sustainable educational change in a third space: A multi-dimensional view of the Newark-Montclair Urban Teaching Residency. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Strom, K., & Martin, A. (2012). Deterritorializing Capitalistic thought and practice in the classroom. Paper presented at the Critical Theories in the 21st Century Conference in Westchester, PA.
  • Abrams, L., Strom, K., Abi-Hanna, R., Bess, N., Collucci, M., Dacey, C., Dauplaise, J., & Mastellone, S., & Taylor, M. (2012). I am what I am not yet. Paper presented at the S-STEP Castle Conference in East Sussex, England.
  • Abrams, L., Taylor, M., & Strom, K. (2012). Shape shifting or becoming third space teacher educators? A co/autoethnographic self-study of mentors and faculty. Paper presented at the S-STEP Castle Conference in East Sussex, England.
  • Tidwell, D., Farrel, J., Brown, N., Taylor, M., Coia, L., Abi-Hanna, R., Abrams, L., Dacey, C., Duplaise, J., & Strom, K. (2012). The transformative nature of selfstudy. Presidential session of the S-STEP Castle Conference in East Sussex, England.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E. J., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. A year in the third space: The praxis of inquiry. In Strom, K. & Taylor, M. (Chairs). Urban teacher residencies, year one: Looking across models and contexts. Symposium for the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Abrams, L., Strom, K., Abi-Hanna, R., Bess, N., Collucci, M., Dacey, C., Dauplaise, J., Mastellone, S. & Taylor, M. (2012). I am what I am not yet. Paper presented at the Ethnography in Education Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E. J., Strom, K., & Abrams, L. (2012). A year in the third space: The praxis of inquiry. Paper presented at the Ethnography in Education Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Taylor, M., Klein, E., Onore, C., Cuellari, R., & Strom, K. (2011). Developing an urban teaching residency in dynamic times and spaces: The Newark
  • Montclair Urban Teaching Residency as a Third Space in education. Paper presented at the Ethnography in Education Forum, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Taylor, M., Onore, C., Klein, E. J., & Strom K. (2011). Finding a third space in teacher education: Creating an urban teacher residency with Montclair State University and the Newark public schools. In S. Dickstein (Chair). Developing and Sustaining UTRs: How Do We Provide Effective Preparation Experiences and Build Resident Efficacy? Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.


California State University, East Bay Provost Award for Outstanding Researcher (Untenured), 2017-2018 academic year

Received the 2017-2018 CSUEB Outstanding Researcher award (untenured), a university-wide award which recognizes one tenure-track faculty member for outstanding contributions in research.

Online and Hybrid Quality Transformation Grant, March 2017

Awarded a grant of $4,500 by CSUEB to design a Quality Matters certified hybrid or online course and deepen expertise regarding online and hybrid quality pedagogies.

Faculty Support Grant for Collaborative Research, November 2016

Awarded a grant of $12,000 to conduct a research study with Dr. Bradley Porfilio to examine the ways that CSU EdD programs define and operationalize “social justice.”

Online and Hybrid Quality Transformation Grant, January 2016

Awarded a grant of $4,500 by CSUEB to design a Quality Matters certified hybrid or online course and deepen expertise regarding online and hybrid quality pedagogies.

Online and Hybrid Quality Transformation Grant, June, 2015

Awarded a grant of $4,500 by CSUEB to become certified through Quality Matters, design a Quality Matters certified hybrid or online course, and become a Quality Matters Course reviewer.

University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Visting Scholarship. Accepted an invitation to lead a workgroup in March, 2016 on the theme “Thinkingwith Deleuze in Teacher Education.” The workgroup will produce weekly “thinkpieces” using one Deleuzian concept as a way to think differently about perennial problems in teacher education. The visit will culminate in a two-day symposium, at which I will give a keynote address, where these think-pieces are presented for critical dialogue and will be edited into proposals for a special journal issue addressing the theme of “Thinking with Deleuze in Teacher Education.”

ISATT Dissertation Recognition, July 2015 
Awarded one of two dissertation recognitions by the ISATT executive committee. The committee stated, “Dr. Kathryn Strom's dissertation represents an outstanding piece of work with a great deal to offer the field of teaching, research, and practice. Not only was it considered by the ISATT Awards Committee to be a strong and compelling dissertation, it was also recognized as a highly unique contribution to the current research literature on teacher education.”

Doctoral Fellowship, August 2010-September 2013
Awarded one of two fellowships for the first cohort of the Ed.D. program in Teacher Education and Teacher Development. Tuition and Stipend approximately $30,000 per year

Outstanding Doctoral Student Award, April 2013
Awarded the “Outstanding Doctoral Student Award” from Montclair State University’s Department of Secondary and Special Education in recognition of excellence in teaching within the department, mentoring of program graduates, scholarly focus on urban teacher preparation and induction, and commitment to social justice in education

George G. King Memorial Award, May 2012
The Montclair State University College of Education and Human Services award recognizes outstanding service and community contributions


Journal and Professional Organization Board Service

  • Co-Director, Posthuman Research Nexus, 2021-present
  • Advisory Board Member, Smithsonian Institute Network for Emergent Socio-Scientific Thinking (NESST), 2022- present
  • Advisory Board Member, Studying Teacher Education, 2017-present
  • Executive Board Member, Gender and Education Association (GEA), 2018-present
  • Affiliate, Feminist Engagement Educational Engagement Lab, University College, London


Peer-Review Service

  • 2022-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting
  • 2022-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2022-Reviewer, Professional Development in Education
  • 2022-Reviewer, Gender and Education
  • 2022-Reviewer, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices 12th Biennial Conference
  • 2021-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting
  • 2021-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2021-Reviewer, Professional Development in Education
  • 2021-Reviewer, Gender and Education
  • 2021-Reviewer, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices 12th Biennial Conference
  • 2020-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting
  • 2020-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2020-Reviewer, Professional Development in Education
  • 2020-Reviewer, Gender and Education
  • 2019-Reviewer, Journal of Language, Identity, and Education
  • 2019-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2019-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting
  • 2018-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2018-Reviewer, The New Educator
  • 2018-Reviewer, Educational Philosophy & Theory 
  • 2018-Reviewer, Educational Inquiry
  • 2018-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association annual meeting
  • 2017-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
  • 2017-Reviewer, Multicultural Education
  • 2017-Reviewer, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices 12th Biennial Conference
  • 2017-Reviewer, Teacher Education Quarterly
  • 2017-Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education
  • 2017-Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education
  • 2017-Reviewer, Studying Teacher Education
  • 2017-Reviewer, The New Educator
  • 2016-Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education
  • 2016-Reviewer, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices 11th Biennial Conference
  • 2015-Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education
  • 2015-Reviewer, Mind, Culture, and Activity
  • 2015-Reviewer, SoJo Journal
  • 2015-Reviewer, University Council on Educational Administration
  • 2014-Reviewer, Equity and Excellence in Education
  • 2014-Reviewer, Journal of Dialogic Pedagogy
  • 2014-Reviewer, Educational Foundations
  • 2013-Reviewer, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices Conference
  • 2013-Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research
  • 2013-Reviewer, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
  • 2012-Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education
  • 2012-Reviewer, Alberta Journal of Educational Research

American Educational Research Association Service

  • Qualitative Research SIG, Mentoring Session, AERA 2022
  • Qualitative Research SIG, Mentoring Committee 2017-2018


  • Research Team Member, Network for Emergent Socio-Scientific Thinking (NESST), 2022-present
    • This project at the Smithsonian Institute brings together educational stakeholders across the globe to collaborate to foster more complex, relational, environmentally just ways of thinking and life. Currently, I am serving in two main roles: Conceptualizing, organizing, and leading a systematic literature review to map socio-scientific thinking across multiple sub-fields of education; and collaborating to develop professional development and doctoral curriculum emphasizing complex perspectives in education.
  • Senior Researcher, Analyzing the Nexus between Social Positioning and Science Identity Development Among English Language Learners, 2021-present
    • This NSF-funded project addresses the pressing need for empirical studies that combine theoretical perspectives from second language education, linguistics, and science education to understand science identity development among ELLs.The research will generate understandings about the role language-based perceptions have in ELLs' language identities, and more specifically, will measure the impact of advantaged positioning on ELLs' science identity development over time. Further, the project will formulate new and innovative methods teachers can use to recognize and promote competent science performance and language identity development among ELLs.


PAST CONSULTANCIES                                                                                                                        

Consultant, ICMEE, 2016-present

Serve as senior personnel on the International Consortium of Multilingual Excellence in Education project, a five-year, 2.7 million federally funded grant to provide high-quality, collaborative, online professional development to teachers of English learners. On the project, I serve as the partner for California and am tasked with outreach to districts regarding the opportunity to participate, discussing the conceptual and pedagogical underpinnings of the project with district personnel, and working with district participants to align the professional development to their current initiatives.

Consultant, Antioch Unified School District, 2015-2016

Performed evaluative services for instruction offered to English learners at multiple elementary, middle, and high schools in the Antioch Unified School District. The evaluation included on-site observations of teaching practice, cross-site analysis, and a research report with recommendations. 

Consultant, eCALLMS, 2015-2016

Reviewed and provided feedback for research instruments used to evaluate teacher learning 


  • American Educational Research Association member, August 2010-present
  • Member of Division K, Teacher Education
  • Member of Second Language Research Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • Member of Self-Study Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • Member of Qualitative Research Special Interest Group (SIG)
  • Member of the Leadership for Social Justice Special Interest Groups (SIG)