Patricia Drew Faculty Profile

Patricia Drew, a sociologist, was raised in Portland, Oregon. After graduating from college, she moved to rural Bluff, Utah to volunteer in Americorps VISTA. As she worked with schoolchildren, she became interested in how social institutions and locations help to shape individuals' lives. She further developed sociological interests in gender, sexuality, social psychology, and health during her graduate studies at Portland State University and the University of California, Santa Barbara. In her research, Professor Drew has examined the impact of social location and cultural messages on individuals' health and bodies. Her studies includes examinations of intergenerational body messages, the development of weight loss surgery and related identity transformation, and gendered messages in contemporary sex education films.  Professor Drew teaches courses on social research, gender development, embodiment and the life course.

  • B.A., University of Oregon (Sociology), 1997
  • M.S., Portland State University (Sociology), 2001
  • Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara (Sociology), 2008
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
HDEV 30001Intro to Human DevelopmentARRWEB-ASYNCH
HDEV 30002Intro to Human DevelopmentARRWEB-ASYNCH
HDEV 30003Intro to Human DevelopmentARRWEB-ASYNCH
HDEV 40001Future & Career for HDEV MajorARRWEB-ASYNCH
HDEV 40002Future & Career for HDEV MajorARRWEB-ASYNCH

  • Drew, Patricia and Rosann Edwards, Co-Editors. 2020. Breasts Across Motherhood: Lived Experiences and Critical Examinations. Demeter Press.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2020. "Intergenerational Breasts: Breast Reduction Surgery and Family Breast Talk." Pp 209-222 in Breasts Across Motherhood: Lived Experiences and Critical Examinations, edited by Patricia Drew and Rosann Edwards. Demeter Press.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2018. “Weight Loss Surgery Patients’ Gender Differentiated Experiences of Vanity Stigma.” Pp 175-189 in Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 36, edited by J.J. Kronenfeld. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2013. “Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery.” Pp. 2025-2029 in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, edited by Mary Zeiss-Strange, Carol Oyster, and J. Geoffrey Golson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2013. “Swing Dancing.” Pp. 1880 – 1884 in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World, edited by Mary Zeiss-Strange, Carol Oyster, and J. Geoffrey Golson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2011. “’But Then I Learned…”: Weight Loss Surgery Patients Negotiate Surgery Discourses.” Social Science and Medicine. 73:1230-1237.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Elder Abuse.” 2011. Pp. 466-468 in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World. Eds. Mary Zeiss-Strange, Carol Oyster, and J. Geoffrey Golson. Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2011. “Sex Education – Comprehensive.” Pp. 1299 – 1301 in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World. Eds. Mary Zeiss-Strange, Carol Oyster, and J. Geoffrey Golson. Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2011. “Sex Education – Abstinence -Only.” Pp. 1298 – 1299 in The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today’s World. Eds. Mary Zeiss-Strange, Carol Oyster, and J. Geoffrey Golson. Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2010.  “Self-Identity.” Pp. 949-950 in Encyclopedia of Motherhood, edited by Andrea O’Reilly. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2010.  “Oregon.” Pp. 1106-1109 in Encyclopedia of Motherhood, edited by Andrea O’Reilly. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  •  Drew, Patricia. 2009. “Weight Loss Surgery Patients’ Negotiations of Medicine’s Institutional Logic.” Pp. 65-92 in Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 26, edited by J.J. Kronenfeld. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2009.  “Body Politics.” Pp. 96-97 in Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, edited by Jodi O’Brien. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Drew, Patricia. 2009.  “Dieting.” Pp. 198 – 200 in Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, edited by Jodi O’Brien. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 
  • Drew, Patricia. 2007. “Social Perspectives on Women: Bodies and Identities.” Pp. 20 – 23 and 135-138 in Sociology of the Body: Syllabi and Instructional Materials. ASA Resource Manuals for Teaching, edited by Erin Anderson and Susan J. Ferguson. Washington DC: American Sociological Association.
  •  Hartley, Heather and Tricia Drew. 2001. “Gendered Messages in Sex Ed Films: Trends and Implications for Female Sexual Problems.” Women and Therapy, The Hawthorne Press, Inc., 24(1-2):133-146.
  •  Also published in A New View of Women’s Sexual Problems, edited by Ellyn Kaschak and Leonore Tiefer. The Hawthorne Press, Inc., pp. 136-146.  

  • Drew, Patricia. "Intergenerational Breasts: Breast Reduction Surgery Patients and Family Breast Talk." Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. March 28-31, 2019.
  • Drew, Patricia, Christina Chin-Newman, Alina Engelman and Sara Smith. “Resilience Among College Students with Disabilities: Protective Factors and Social Support.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Long Beach, CA, March 28 -31, 2018.
  • Drew, Patricia, Christina Chin-Newman, and Sara Smith. “Stigma or Support from Faculty: Perceptions of Students with Disabilities or Learning Differences.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Portland, OR, April 7-10, 2017.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Accessibility Allies on College Campuses: Supporting Students with Disabilities and Learning Differences.” Discussant. Western Social Science Association annual conference. San Francisco, CA, April 12-15, 2017.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Empowered and Troubled: Popular Depictions of Midlife Women’s Bodies.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Oakland, CA, March 30-April 2, 2016.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Midlife Women’s Bodies and Body Work in More.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Reno, NV, March 21-24, 2013.
  • Drew, Patricia, William Graber and Evelyn Mariani. “Social Support Networks and Bariatric Surgery Patients.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Seattle, WA: April 10 – 13, 2011.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Women, Aging, and the Marketing of Vaginoplasty.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Oakland, CA, April 8-11, 2010.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Weight Loss Surgery Patients’ Changing Conceptions of Stigmatizing Obesity Surgery Discourses.” Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. San Diego, CA, April 8 – April 11, 2009.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Embracing, Selectively Accepting, and Strategically Complying: The Spectrum of Bariatric Surgery Patients’ Negotiations with Medical Guidelines.” American Sociological Association annual meeting. Boston, MA, August 1- August 4, 2008.
  •  Drew, Patricia and Denise Bielby. “Transforming Discourses, Transforming Selves: Weight Loss Surgery Patients’ Renegotiations of Medicine’s Institutional Logics.” American Sociological Association annual meeting. New York, NY, August 11 – August 14, 2007.
  • Drew, Patricia. “Disavowing Beauty: Gendered Beauty Expectations and Weight Loss Surgery Patients.”  Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction annual meeting. New York, NY, August 11 – August 13, 2007 and Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting. Portland, OR, April 10-13 2008. 

Awards Table


CLASS Faculty Suppport Grant




CLASS Faculty Assessment Coordinator Team (FACT) Mini Grant, California State University, East Bay


Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activities Support Grant, California State University, East Bay


Faculty Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Mini-Grant, California State University, East Bay

New Faculty Support Grant, California State University, East Bay 2008

Department of Human Development and Women’s Studies:

  • Assessment Coordinator, 2011-2019
  • Member, Retention, Tenure, Promotion Committee. 2016-18
  • Member, Lecturer Review Committee. 2016 - present
  • Chair, Human Development and Women’s Studies Scholarship Committee, 2015 – present
  • Member, Department Post-Tenure Review Committee, 2017
  • Member, Tenure Track Faculty Search Committee, 2016-17
  • Chair, Retention, Tenure, Promotion Committee. 2015-16
  • Member, Quarter to Semester Conversion Committee, 2015-16
  • Chair, Advisory Committee for the Selection of the HDEV/WOST Department Chair, 2012
  • Chair, HDEV Curriculum and Assessment Committee, 2009-14
  • Member, “Against All Odds” Scholarship Committee, 2009-12
  • Member, Childhood Faculty Search Committee, 2009-10

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences:

  • Faculty Assessment Coordinator, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Assessment Coordinator Team, 2014-17.
  • Member, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Assessment Coordinator Team, 2011-14
  • Member, Faculty Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, College of Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences, 2011
  • Chair, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Textbook Scholarship Committee, 2010.
  •  Member, College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences Textbook Scholarship Committee, 2009


  • Member, Committee on Academic Planning and Review. 2018-2020; 2021-2023.
  • Member, Retention, Tenure, Promotion Committee for Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders. 2017-18
  • Member, Faculty Diversity and Equity Committee. 2015-2019
  • CLASS Representative, Educational Effectiveness Council, 2013-17
  • Faculty Mentor,University Honor’s Program, 2012-13; 2017
  • Senator, California State University, East Bay Academic Senate, 2012-14
  • Member, Critical Thinking Assessment Project, 2013-14
  • Faculty Mentor, Faculty Mentoring Program, Office of Faculty Development, 2013-14
  • Participant, CAPR Institutional Learning Outcomes Subcommittee, 2012.
  • Member, California State University East Bay Foundation Board of Directors, 2009-11
  • Mentor, McNair Scholars Program, 2009-10
  • Member, McNair Scholars Application Review and Selection Committee, 2010
  • Member, Faculty Learning Community for Early Career Faculty, 2009


  • Member, Governing Board, Nea Community Learning Center, Alameda, California, 2011- 2020.

Select Professional Service:

  • Program Chair, Pacific Sociological Association. 2021-22
  • Member, Social Conscience Committee, Pacific Sociological Association. 2018-19.
  • Reviewer, Health. 2008-2021.
  • Reviewer, Social Science and Medicine. 2011-16.
  • Presider, “Undergraduate Roundtables.”  Pacific Sociological Association annual meetings. 2017-2021. 

  • Interim Co-Chair, Department of Sociology, CSU East Bay. 2021. 
  • Interim Director, Liberal Studies Program, CSU East Bay. 2019-20.