Peter Nygaard Faculty Profile

Peter  Nygaard


Department of Public Health

Peter Nygaard is a lecturer at the Department of Public Health.  He has an MA in Social Sciences from Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, and a Ph.D in Psychology from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.  Dr. Nygaard has a 28 year long career in addiction research with an emphasis on prevention of alcohol problems.  He has conducted research at the Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, The Prevention Research Center in Berkeley, and at the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, SIRUS.  His research has been funded by the Danish Research Council, NIH, and private foundations in Denmark.

Dr. Nygaard's research has primarily focused on primary and secondary prevention of alcohol problem, applying community-based interventions and systems-theoretical approaches to screening and brief interventions for alcohol-related problems.

  • MA, Social Sciences, Ruhr-Universit盲t Bochum, Germany
  • Ph.D, Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Not teaching this semester.

Miller, T.R., Nygaard, P.; Gaidus, A.; Grube, J.W.; Ponicki, W.; Lawrence, B.A. & Gruenewald, P.J. (2017):  Heterogeneous Costs of Alcohol and Drug Problems Across Cities and Counties in California, Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research

Nygaard, P. & Paschall, M.J. (2012):  Students' experiences with web-based alcohol prevention: a qualitative evaluation of AlcoholEdu. Journal of Drug Education; 42(2): p. 137-58

Nygaard, P. & Aasland, O.G. (2011):  Barriers to Implementing Screening and Brief Interventions in General Practice: Findings from a Qualitative Study in Norway.  Alcohol & Alcoholism, Vol. 46(1), p. 52-60

Saltz, R.F., Paschall, M.J., McGaffigan, & Nygaard, P. (2010):  Alcohol Risk Management in College Settings: The Safer California Universities Randomized Trial, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39(6), p. 491–499.

 Antin, T.M.J., Paschall, M.J. & Nygaard, P. (2010):  Process versus outcome oriented drinking: An exploratory study of wine and moderate drinking occasions among young adults in California.  Contemporary Drug problems, (37), p. 241-265

Nygaard, P., Paschall, M.J., Aasland, O.G. & Lund, K.E. (2010):  Use and Barriers to Use of Screening and Brief Interventions for Alcohol Among Norwegian General Practitioners, Alcohol and Alcoholism, Vol. 45(2), p. 207-212.

Nygaard, P. & Saltz, R.F. (2009):  Communication Between Researchers and Practitioners: Findings from a Qualitative Evaluation of a Large-Scale College Intervention. Substance Use and Misuse, Vol 25, No. 1-2, p. 77-97.

Aasland, O.G.; Nygaard, P. & Nilsen, P. (2008):  The long and winding road to widespread implementation of screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems. A historical overview with special attention to the WHO initiatives, Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, (in press)

Nygaard, P. & Saltz, R.F. (2008):  Communication Between Researchers and Practitioners: Findings from a Qualitative Evaluation of a Large-Scale College Intervention, Substance Use and Misuse, (in press).

Chen, M-J; Grube, J.W., Nygaard, P. & Miller B. A. (2008):  Adolescent Drinking and Driving Behaviors: The Role of Parents, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40(2), p. 576-585

Nygaard, P.; Bright, K.; Saltz, R. & McGaffigan, R. (2007):  Archival Data: Collection and Use.  Substance Use and Misuse, 42(12 & 13) (Special Issue), p. 1945-1953

Nygaard, P. (2006):  Focus on Secondary Prevention: Implications of a Study on Intervention in Social Networks.  Substance Use and Misuse, 41(13), p. 1719-1733.

Nygaard, P. & Grube, J.W. (2005):  Mixed Messages: Contributions to Adolescent Drinking and Driving, Addiction Research and Theory, Vol.13(5), p. 411-426

Grube, J.W. & Nygaard, P. (2005):  Alcohol Policy and Youth Drinking: Overview of Effective Interventions for Young People, in: Stockwell, T.; Gruenewald, P.J.; Toumbourou, J.W. & Loxley, W.: Preventing Harmful Substance Use, The evidence base for policy and practice. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, p. 113-147.

Nygaard, P., Waiters, E. D., Grube, J. W., & Keefe, D. (2003).  Why do they do it?  A qualitative study of adolescent drinking and driving.  Substance Use and Misuse, 38(7), 835-863.

Grube, Joel W. & Nygaard, Peter (2001):  Adolescent Drinking and Alcohol Policy, Contemporary Drug problems, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring 2001.

Nygaard, Peter (2001):  Intervention in Social Networks: A New Method in the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems, Addiction Research and Theory Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 221-237.

Allamani, A.; Casswell, S.; Graham, K.; Holder, H.D.; Holmila, M.; Larsson, S. & Nygaard, P. (Eds.) (2000): Community Action and the Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems at the Local Level, Substance Use and Misuse (Special Issue), Vol. 35 (1&2).

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P. (2000): Forebyggelse i lokalsamfund - lokalsamfundet i forebyggelsen (Prevention in the Community – the Community in the Prevention). Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Casswell, S.; Holder, H.H.; Holmila, M.; Larsson, S.; Midford, R.; Barnes, H.M.; Nygaard, P. & Stewart, L. (eds.) (1999): Kettil Bruun Society Thematic Meeting: Fourth Symposium on Community Action Research and the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Nygaard, P. (1999): Decentralisation, local ownership and the role of the researchers. In: Larsson, S. & Hanson, B.S.: Community Based Alcohol Prevention in Europe – Research and Evaluations, University of Lund, Sweden, p. 200-207.

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P (1999): Aspects of communications and its consequences in community action projects In: (Casswell, S. et al. ed.): Fourth Symposium on Community Action Research and the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit. University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Elmeland, Karen & Nygaard, Peter (1998): Ny vin på gamle flasker? (New Wine in Old Bottles?) Rus og avhengighet, nr. 6, p. 18-20, Oslo, Norway.

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P. (1997): Hørning Kommune - en lokalsamfundsbeskrivelse (The Municipality of Hørning – A Community Profile). Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P. (1997): Fyrparken i Sædding - en lokalsamfundsbeskrivelse The Settlement of ”Fyrparken” in Esbjerg – A Community Profile). Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P. (1997): Fjordblink i Ålborg - en lokalsamfundsbeskrivelse (The Settlement of ”Fjordblink” in Aalborg – A Community Profile). Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Elmeland, K. & Nygaard, P. (1997): Tre lokalområder i Danmark - en sammenlignende beskrivelse (Three Municipalities in Denmark – A Comparative Description). Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Elmeland, Karen & Nygaard, Peter (1997): Rusmiddelforskning i Danmark efter 1992 (Alcohol and Drug Research in Denmark after 1992), Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Elmeland, Karen & Nygaard, Peter (1996): Lokalsamfundsintervention - hvem ejer projekterne? (Community Intervention – Who owns the projects?) Nordic Studies on Alcohol, vol. 13, nr. 4, p. 177-178, Helsinki, Finland.

Elmeland, Karen & Nygaard, Peter (1995): Et forebyggelsespolitisk paradoks (A Prevention Policy Paradox). Nordic Studies on Alcohol, vol. 12, nr. 3, p. 119-120, Helsinki, Finland.

Elmeland, Karen & Nygaard, Peter (1995): Nakskov Kommune, en lokalsamfundsprofil (The Municipality of Nakskov – A Community Profile). Report, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Nygaard, Peter (1995): Modeludvikling af kommunal misbrugsindsats, Århus Amt og Hørning Kommune. Afrapportering af det første år af projektet “Målsætning og processtyring af kommunal misbrugsindsats” (Development of a Model for Locally Based Efforts to reduce Substance Abuse, Aarhus County and the Municipality of Hørning. First Year of the Project ”Aims and Process Management of Locally Based Efforts to Reduce Substance Abuse”. Report. Århus Amt og Hørning Kommune.

Nygaard, Peter; Harten, Rolf & Möller, Jens (1992):  Forebyggelse gennem initieret afholdenhed: En systemorienteret tilgang (Initiated abstinence as prevention: An approach based on systems theory). Alkohol-Narkotika-Forskning, 1, No. 2, p. 63-74, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

Möller, Jens; Uwe Grau; Rolf Harten & Peter Nygaard (1993): Prävention durch initiierte Abstinenz: Eine am systemtheoretischen Ansatz orientierte Projektidee zur Suchtprävention (Prevention by Use of Initiated Abstinence: A Project Idea for the Prevention of Abuse Based on Systems Theory). Drogalkohol, nr. 1/93, Lausanne.

Nygaard, Peter (1991): Alkohols funktion i mindre grupper af normalforbrugere: En social-psykologisk undersøgelse baseret på systemteori (The Role of Alcohol in Small Groups of Social Drinkers: A Social-Psychological Study Based on Systems Theory). Nordic Studies on Alcohol, Vol. 8, nr. 5, p. 306-308

Elmeland, Karen; Nygaard, Peter & Sabroe, Knud-Erik (1990): Storbrugere - 12 fortællinger om alkoholbrug (High consumers – 12 stories about alcohol use). Psykologisk Skriftserie, University of Aarhus, Vol. 15, Nr. 1.