Oscar Wambuguh Faculty Profile

Oscar  Wambuguh


Department of Public Health

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My name is Oscar Wambuguh (wam-bow-gho). I have been teaching at California State University, East Bay since 2000 in Biology and Health Sciences. I primarily teach a combination of these courses (often several sections of the same course): BIOL 408, PH 300, PH 327, PH 497, and PH 499. In future and depending on Dept. needs, I am available to teach these courses: PH 340, PH 362, PH 385, PH 405, PH 420, PH 470, PH 485, PH 490, and PH 498. I also direct the Pre-Professional Health Academic Program (PHAP) administered by the University Extension and the operationized in the College of Science. This is a formal post-baccalaureate program preparing students for doctoral careers in medicine (allopathic & osteopathic), dentistry, pharmacy, optometry, veterinary science, podiatry, graduate nursing programs (MSN, FNP, PhD/DNP), physician assistant, physical therapy and occupational health. Students must have completed a bachelor's degree in a science or non-science field to apply to PHAP. If you have questions, please email phap@csueastbay.edu.

My area of research focus is environmental health sciences. With the increasing anthropogenic activities causing untold effects on global climate change, mitigative strategies are needed to allow communities adapt to these changes. Climate change affects our natural sustenance systems that provide food, clean air, water resources, energy and many other resources needed to maintain ourselves. With such rapid changes in the world we live in, finding ways in which we can live more sustainably on this planet is of great interest to us, non-scientists and scientists alike. My research focuses on the conservation of biodiverse natural resources, effects of climate change, and the mitigative/adaptive strategies needed particularly in the world’s developing nations. I have written three books and published several articles on these topics.

  • Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
  • B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Nairobi
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
BIOL 40809SSBiomed SeminarW6:00PM7:50PMVBT-0124HAYWARD
PH 30001Environmental HealthMW11:00AM12:15PMSC-N221
PH 30002Environmental HealthMW3:30PM4:45PMSC-N207
PH 36201Environmental Health PolicyMW2:00PM3:15PMSC-N220

Book(s) Published 

  1. Wambuguh, O. (2019). Examining the Causal Relationships between Genes, Epigenetics, and Human Health. A volume in the Advances in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ABBE) Books Series. IGI Global Publishers, Pennsylvania, USA. Available at Amazon:
  2. Wambuguh, O. (2011). Green Energy: Factors that Promote Solar Energy Development in Rural Landscapes, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. Available at Amazon:
  3. Wambuguh, O. (2010). Conservation of Biological Diversity in Developing Countries: the issues, challenges and possible solutions, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. Available at Amazon:

Article(s) Published in Refereed Journals 

Wambuguh, O & Lin, S. (2023). Air Pollution Burden and Three Population Health Indicators in 58 Counties Comprising the State of California, USA. (in press).

Dao, A. & Wambuguh, O. (2023).The Contribution of Diet and Lifestyle Factors in the Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). International Journal of Nutrition and Food Engineering, 17(3).

Barrie J. R. & Wambuguh, O. (2022). The Impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Oral Health in Low-Income Individuals. Research in Health Science, 7(4): 85-95. 

Allison, T. R. & Wambuguh, O. (2021). Adverse Childhood Events and Their Association with Adverse Health Outcomes: A Sacramento County (California) Study. International Journal of Social Science and Economics, 1(2): 25-34. 

Wambuguh, O. (2020). California Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets (2030 and 2050): Trends, Projections and Analysis. Education, Society and Human Studies, 1(2): 1-31.

Van Hofwegen, L., Eckfield, M. & Wambuguh, O. (2019). Predicting Nursing Program Success for Veterans: Examining the Importance of TEAS and Pre-Admit Science GPA. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35:209-2015.

Wambuguh, O. (2017). Direct (Junk) Mail Interactive Marketing in Residential Homes in United States: Trends in the San Francisco Bay Area. International Journal of Current Research, 9(4):49023-49026.

 Wambuguh, O., Eckfield, M. & Van Hofwegen, L. (2016). Examining the Importance of Five Admissions Criteria in Predicting Nursing Program Success. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 13(1):1-10.

Wambuguh, O. (2016). Predictive Factors Associated with Solar Energy Development in Laikipia District, Central Kenya, International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 4(3):197-204.

Wambuguh, O. (2015). Observations Regarding Solid Waste Generation and Disposal in Rural Households in Central Kenya, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 6(8):5596-5598.

Wambuguh, O. (2015). Predicting Post-Baccalaureate Student’s GPA from cumulative Undergraduate GPA using Logistic Regression Analysis: A Test of Hypothesis. International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review, 3(2):35-44.

Wambuguh, O. & Yonn-Brown, T. (2013). Regular Lecture Quizzes Scores as Predictors of Final Examination Performance: A Test of Hypothesis Using Logistic Regression Analysis. International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7(1):1-10.

Wambuguh, O. (2013). A Review of a Successful Unsubsidized Market-Based Rural Solar Development Initiative in Laikipia District, Central Kenya. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 2(3):151-164.

Wambuguh, O. (2011). Junk Mail in Residential Homes in the United States: Insights from a Sub-urban Home in California. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55: 782-784.

Wambuguh, O. (2009). How can revenues from natural resource utilization be used for community-based development? Natural Resources Forum: A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal, 33(3): 245-249 (2009).

Wambuguh, O. (2009). Biodiversity Conservation and Landowners: Research, Policy and Developmental Issues for Laikipia District of north-central Kenya. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 5(1): 177-188.

Wambuguh, O. (2008). “Are women more severely affected by desertification, ….. and if so, how?” Natural Resources Forum: A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal, 32(4): 345-346.

Wambuguh, O. (2008). Landowner experiences regarding biodiversity outside protected areas. Current Conservation, 2(1): 16-18.

Wambuguh, O. (2008). Human-Urban Wildlife Interface: Interactions around Tilden Regional Park, San Francisco Bay Area, California. Human Dimensions of Wildlife Journal, 13(1): 71.

Wambuguh, O. (2007). Humans and Wildlife: Landowner experiences regarding wildlife damage, ownership and benefits in Laikipia District, Kenya. Journal of Conservation and Society, 5(3): 408-428 (2007).

Wambuguh, O. (2008). Dry wildebeest carcasses in the African savannah: the utilisation of a unique resource. African Journal of Ecology, 46: 515-522 (2007).

Wambuguh, O. (Jan-Feb 2008). Teaching Large Evening Classes. Academe, Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors,

Wambuguh, O. (1989). Do they guard wallows or is it just an incidental observation in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Bulletin of the E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 19(3): 9-11.

 Wambuguh, O. (1988). Observations on the nest of red-billed hornbills in Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Bulleting of the E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 18(1):1-16.

 Wambuguh, O. (1987). Black-shouldered kite killing a fiscal shrike in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Bulletin of the E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 17(4):17-18.

 Wambuguh, O. (1987). The Quelea massacre at Wesungu, Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Bulletin of E. Afr. Nat. Hist. Soc. 17(2):51-56.

Article(s) Published in Non-Refereed Journals 

  1. Wambuguh, O. (2008). Teaching Large Evening Classes. Published by The Stanford University Centre for Teaching and Learning: Tomorrow’s Professor, TP Msg. #870, . Spring 2008.
  2. Wambuguh, O. (2007). Alternative Energy Use and Development in Rural Kenya: The evaluation of a successful model in Laikipia District. September 2007. Office of Research & Sponsored Projects Report, CSUEB.
  3. Wambuguh, O. (2008). Local Communities and Wildlife: A spatial analysis of human-wildlife interactions in Laikipia District, Kenya. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California. 1998.
  4. Wambuguh, O. (1991). An appraisal of fire as a tool in management in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Wildlife Service Report. December 1991.
  5. Wambuguh, O. (1990). The significance of low and high seasons to visitor utilization of Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Wildlife Service Report. August 1990.
  6. Wambuguh, O. (1990). Analysis of food quality and feeding habits of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in relation to seasonal migration of herbivores in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Master of Science Thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya. 1990.
  7. Wambuguh, O. (1987). The breeding biology of the red-billed hornbill (Tockus erythrorynchus) in Tsavo National Park, Kenya. Wildlife Service Report. July 1987.

Professional Presentations International-level

  1. The Contribution of Diet and Lifestyle Factors in the Prevalence of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). World Academy of Science Conference, Montreal, August 3-4, 2023.
  2. Health Implications of Increased Climate Change: Science Guest Presentation, University of Nairobi (Chiromo Campus), Kenya, October 2019.
  3. Renewable Energy Development in Laikipia District, Kisii University Research Symposium, July 21-23, 2014.
  4. Solar Energy Development – PowerPoint Presentation at an international conference organized by the International Society for Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, June 05-09, 2011.
  5. Biodiversity Conservation and Landowners: Research, Policy and Developmental Issues for Laikipia District of north-central Kenya. PowerPoint Presentation, 2009 Social Sustainability Conference, University of Technology, Mauritius Jan. 05-07, 2009.
  6. What do local communities say about wildlife conservation in Laikipia District? Talk presented to Kenya Wildlife Service research personnel, Nairobi, Kenya. May 1996.


 Professional Presentations National-level

  1. Solar Energy Development – Virtual PowerPoint Presentation at an international conference organized by the International Society for Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, June 05-09, 2011.
  2. Small-scale mixed farming in a tropical wildlife zone in Laikipia District, Kenya. Pathways to Success: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 28-Oct. 02, 2008.
  3. Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pre-health Adviser’s Conference, Davenport, Iowa, Summer 2008.

 Professional Presentations State-level

  1. Improving Health Professions Pathways and Best Practices, California Regional Pre-health Advisers Meeting: Chancellor’s Office, Long Beach, January 15, 2009.
  2. Wildlife and people in Africa: the need for an ideological transition. (paper presented at the Wildlife Society (Western Section) Conference, Santa Rosa, California, February 1995).
  3.  People-Wildlife Interactions in Tilden Regional Park, East Bay Municipal District, California (paper presented at the Wildlife Society (Western Section) Conference, Santa Rosa, California, February 1995).
  4. Feeding habits of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in relation to seasonal migration of herbivores in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Paper presented at the American Institute of Biological Sciences Conference, University of California at Davis, Davis, California. July 1993.

 Presentations/Activities Local-level

  1. PHAP New Students Preview Day: April, 2020 Zoom Presentation
  2. Post-Baccalaureate Symposium Presentation, UC Berkeley, Feb. 2019.
  3. Post-Baccalaureate Event Presentation, SUMMA Stanford Medical School, Feb. 2019.
  4. Post-Baccalaureate Symposium Presentation, UC Berkeley, Feb. 2018.
  5. Post-Baccalaureate Event Presentation, SUMMA Stanford Medical School, Feb. 2018.
  6. Pre-Health Professions Conference Presentation: Post-Baccalaureate Programs, UC Davis, October 2018.
  7. PHAP Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:00-2:30 pm, August 13, 2018.
  8. Post-Baccalaureate Event Presentation, SUMMA Stanford Medical School, Feb. 2017.
  9. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Training Presentation. CSUEB, Summer 2017.
  10. PHAP New Fall 2017 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:00-2:30 pm, Sept. 12, 2017.
  11. Back to the Bay, Fall 2016. How PHAP works with post-baccalaureate students to prepare them for biomedical school application, 9:00-10:00 am, Sept. 15, 2016.
  12. PHAP New Fall 2016 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:00-2:30 pm, Sept. 16, 2016.
  13. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Training Presentation. CSUEB, Summer 2016.
  14. Dinner & Dialogue Presentation, Biomedical Sciences Program at CSU East Bay. 6-8:30 pm, February 19, 2016.
  15. PLTW California State Conference. PLTW Biomedical Sciences at CSU East Bay. January 25-27, 2016, Riverside, CA
  16. PHAP New Fall 2015 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:30-2:00 pm, Sept. 22, 2015.
  17. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Training Presentation. CSUEB, Summer 2015.
  18. PHAP New Fall 2014 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:30-2:00 pm, Sept. 24, 2014.
  19. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Presentation. San Jose State University, October 08, 2014.
  20. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher Training Presentation. CSUEB, Summer 2014.
  21. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher Training Presentation. CSUEB, Summer 2013.
  22. PHAP New Fall 2013 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:30-2:00 pm, Sept. 21, 2013.
  23. PHAP New Fall 2012. Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, Sept. 20, 2012, 11:30-2:00 pm
  24. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Presentation. San Jose State University, October 07, 2013.
  25. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Presentation. San Jose State University, October 06, 2012.
  26. PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program, High School Teacher’s Presentation. San Jose State University, October 07, 2011.
  27. PHAP New Fall 2011 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 1:30-4:00 pm, Sept. 19, 2011.
  28. PHAP New Fall 2011 Postbac Orientation & Welcome Presentation, 11:30-2:30 pm, VBT 0124, Sept. 16, 2011 - Hayward Campus.
  29. DCIE Open House, Oakland Campus - PHAP Presentation, Sept. 08, 2011.
  30. Summer Core Training for High School Teachers - Welcome Reception & PLTW Presentation, July 19, 2011 – Old University Union, Room 311.
  31. How to prepare to be a competitive applicant for medical, dental & pharmacy schools as an undergraduate student at CSUEB. Presentation to the Freshman Class of 2011, CSUEB – June 2011.
  32. Project Lead The Way Counselor’s Conference Presentation, CSUEB, VBT 134, January 28, 2011.
  33.  Project Lead The Way, STEM School visit, California High School, San Ramon Unified School District, January 14, 2011.
  34.  Project Lead The Way Biomedical Sciences Program. Contra Costa Economic Partnership Conference Presentation, Concord Hilton, January 11, 2011
  35.  Pre-Professional Health Academic Program Self Support, New CSUEB Postbacs Orientation (Winter 2011) January 04, 2011.
  36.  How to prepare to be a competitive applicant for medical, dental & pharmacy schools, Presentation to the freshman class of 2010, CSUEB - February 2011.
  37.  Project Lead The Way Counselor’s Conference Presentation, CSUEB, VBT, January 28, 2010
  38.  Project Lead The Way, STEM School Visit, California High School, San Ramon Unified School District, January 14, 2010.
  39.  Project Lead The Way, STEM Presentation, Contra Costa Economic Partnership Conference, Concord Hilton, CA, January 11, 2010.
  40.  Pre-professional Health Academic Program Self Support, New Postbacs Orientation, Winter 2011, January 04, 2011 – MI 2106.
  41.  Project Lead The Way, STEM Presentation, Kimball High School, Tracy Unified School District, December 13, 2010.
  42.  Project Lead The Way, STEM Presentation, San Jose State University, October 17, 2010.
  43.  Pre-professional Health Academic Program Self Support, New Postbacs Orientation, September 28, 2010.
  44.  Biomedical Careers for Post Baccalaureate Students at CSUEB, Oakland Centre, 2nd November & 7th December 2009.
  45.  Biomedical Careers for Undergraduate Students at CSUEB, Freshmen Learning Communities, Warren Hall, 18th April 2009.
  46.  Health Careers at CSUEB: Presentation at Dozier-Libby Medical High School in Antioch with panellists from Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, John Muir, Kaiser Allied School of Health Sciences and Los Medanos College. I presented our health sciences, nursing and pre-professional health program to an audience of teachers and students from the four Antioch Unified School District middle schools. This presentation was aired by CCTV on March 11, 2009 at 8 pm.
  47.  Environmental Health Poster Presentation, Health & Bioscience Career Fair, Contra Costa Economic Partnership, Feb. 06, 2009 Marriott Hotel, San Ramon
  48. Health Sciences Majors Program, Dept. of Nursing & Health Science, Concord Campus, CSUEB. Second Annual Counsellors Conference, October 15, 2008 - “Collaborating for Student Success”
  49.  Health Sciences Majors Program, Dept. of Nursing & Health Science, CSUEB.  North Bay Healthcare Education Fair 10-16-08, Green Valley Conference Centre, Fairfield.
  50.  Improving Health Professions Pathways and Best Practices, California Regional Prehealth Advisers Meeting: Chancellor’s Office, Sept. 12, 2008, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland.
  51. Conference on Increasing Diversity in Health Professions, The California Wellness Foundation, June 9-10, 2008 Grand Hyatt, San Francisco.
  52.  Chief Judge, Intel-affiliated Contra Costa Science & Engineering Fair, Contra Costa Economic Partnership, April 04, 2008
  53.  Health Sciences Majors Program, Dept. of Nursing & Health Science, CSUEB.  Outreach Presentation to students of Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, Spring 2008.
  54.  Health Sciences Majors Program, Dept. of Nursing & Health Science, CSUEB.  Outreach Presentation to students of Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, Spring 2008.
  55.  Environmental Health Poster Presentation, Health & Bioscience Career Fair, Contra Costa Economic Partnership, Feb. 01, 2008 Marriott Hotel, San Ramon
  56. Issues in Biodiversity, Culture and Environmental Management:  A 14-Day Summer Safari with 16 Bay Area Students in Kenya. Presentation to College of science faculty, students & staff, Fall 2007.
  57. The realities of Conservation in Africa: Talk and slide show presentation to the Biology Department, College of Marin, Kentfield September 2003.
  58.  Wildlife and People of Kenya: Talk and slide show prepared for Grade 4 pupils - Belshaw Elementary School in Antioch. May 2001.
  59.  Wildlife conservation and landuse in Kenya. Talk and slide show presented to the Biology Department, CSU Hayward, Hayward. September 2000.
  60.  Local communities and wildlife: do local people count in conservation? Talk and slide-show presented at the Centre for African Studies, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California. September 1997.
  61.  Living with wildlife: examples from Laikipia District. Talk and slide-show to Vista School students, Albany, California, March 1997.

  1. Office of Research & Sponsored Projects, Research Grant Award (US$6,533), 2006.
  2. Department of Nursing & Health Sciences, Research Grant Award (US$1,500), 2006.
  3. Scholarship Award, James B. Grubb Foundation (Oakland), 1997-98 (US$8,750)
  4. Citibank, Inc., Research Grant Award (US$27,500), 1995-6.
  5. The Rockefeller Foundation, Research Grant Award (US$20,000), 1995-1996.
  6. Doctoral Scholarship Award ($85,000), Kenya Wildlife Service (Kenya), 1991-1997.

  1. Professor, Health Sciences
  2. Director, Pre-Professional Health Academic Program
  3. Pre-Doctoral Health Professions University Advisor for Undergraduate Students
  4. Faculty Student Clubs Advisor: Pre-Professional Health Association; Pre-Dental Club;  Students of Osteopathic Medicine Association chapter at CSUEB; Primary Care Progress, CSUEB Chapter; Students Empowering Young Minds Club.
    1. Journal Reviewer, Society and Natural Resources, An International Journal
    2. Journal Reviewer, Natural Resources Forum, A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal
    3. Journal Reviewer, The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
    4. Journal Reviewer, Conservation and Society
    5. Textbook Reviewer, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Boston