College Students Can Smile: Launches for Fall Semester

  • August 26, 2010

San Francisco start-up, is set to launch to all colleges and universities across the United States August 30, 2010. will be visiting the campuses of CSU Chico, UC Davis, CSU Sacramento, and CSU East Bay for the Fall Semester, and UC Berkeley, San Francisco State University, University of San Francisco, and Sonoma State University in the Spring Semester.

“We are excited to launch such a game-changing website that I think will revolutionize the educational system,” said Ryan Stevens, president of  “Students have been sharing their notes and study guides with their friends, leaving other students out of the loop.  NoteUtopia will open that loop and grant all students access to all course related documents.”

The CSU and UC systems are greatly burdened by the mass budget cuts hitting California. realizes now more than ever the importance of students passing their classes now, as classes are being cut across the board. provides students the resources to help them study better and prevents students from falling behind and potentially having to repeat courses. is a gateway for students to upload their class notes and offer their notes for free or for a price set by the uploader.  Other students then download these notes and documents, with the majority of the sale going to the student that provided the notes.  High quality notes are ensured with the ability of users to rate and comment on the notes, uploaders, and even professors. 

“It is really a win-win for the students.  Students can make some extra cash selling their notes, and other students can supplement their study with the notes they download.  This is the idea behind NoteUtopia, empowering the students,” said Ryan Stevens. (Utopian World LLC) is a website dedicated to helping students Study Better.  San Francisco native and recent graduate of CSU Sacramento, Ryan Stevens, is the company’s founder and president. headquarters is located in San Francisco, CA.  To find out more, please visit

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