Willa Smith Davis Making a Differences for Students

  • December 6, 2010

Sometimes people go above and beyond their call of duty and deserve some recognition. Willa Smith Davis is a coordinator and liaison between students and the One Stop Regional Career Centers in seven local counties. Students that she has helped have pointed out that she goes above and beyond. Unfortunately, her employment may end with Yuba Community College when the stimulus funded grant program she is recruiting for ends in May 2011.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded the program. It was implemented for at-risk students and unemployed and displaced workers, to teach Auto Technician/Hybrid Technology. The classes teach students how to work on hybrid vehicles, get certification, and be employable by companies who are in desperate need for technicians trained in hybrid vehicles.

Davis is a graduate of Yuba College. She went on to receive her BA in Psychology and then received her Master's in Counseling from California State University, Hayward. Davis has been employed by Yuba College since 2008.

Beatriz T. Espinoza, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor of Educational Planning and Services and Davis's boss, said, "By nature she goes above and beyond." Davis helps students with admissions, counseling, and keeps track of their progress in the program. Espinoza said, "She does a lot of one-on-one calls with students to go over academics." Davis told me, "I refuse to let students give up." She tries to keep students motivated and encouraged. Her students know that she is there for them. In collaboration with the One Stop Centers Davis helps students with many needs such as transportation, childcare, even rent, at times. This ensures that the students are able to make it to class and be focused on the task at hand.

Bob Logan, one of the many students she has helped said, "Willa has gone above and beyond her duties ensuring that I gave my all to this program by not letting me settle for a C. She encouraged me and I improved my grade to a high B. I couldn't have done that without her."

Brian Smith, another student, said, "Willa Davis has been an amazingly helpful person in facilitating this program and ensuring I took the right steps in the process to achieving success."

John Britton said, "Willa Davis is one of the nicest people. When it comes to her students she will bend over backwards to help you out, and she doesn't expect anything from you but good grades. She has been so helpful throughout this whole process. She should get some kind of award. She is such a great person to know." And that pretty much says it all. Davis has been through some personal hardships of late and she still was there for these students making sure they succeed. She and these types of programs are one of the reasons these students will succeed.

When the program ends in May 2011 Davis hopes that something else will arise with Yuba College. "I have hope that Yuba College will secure another grant that can use my skills and experience as they have done in the past. I look forward to working for the college in whatever way I can and to serve the wonderful students who choose to call Yuba College their Alma Mater," she said.

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