New Web site for facilities reservations, academic scheduling

  • April 27, 2011

The Office of University Scheduling has a new Web site that will allow users to find information, forms, and references for both Facilities Reservations and Academic Scheduling in the same place.

The link for the new site is : . An easy way to find the site is from the ‘Quick Links’ dropdown on the CSUEB home page ().  The new link on the ‘Quick Link’s replaces the Facilities Reservations link.

The Office of University Scheduling is offering training sessions to help users navigate through the new site. At the sessions, policies and procedures will be reviewed for requesting a facility for an event or for instructional needs. The training dates are:

  • Friday, May 6,  10-11 am in the Biella Room of the Library
  • Monday, May 9,  9:30-10:30 am in SC N120

These sessions are open to all and no registration is needed. Feedback about the new Web site is welcome.  For more information, contact Martha Lucero Wallce, director, University Scheduling, at, or Cecilia Grima-Torres, coordinator, Facilities Reservations and Rentals, at