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10.1. Formation of the Department Committee
The Department Committees shall consist of three faculty members or more, at the option of the Department, who satisfy the eligibility requirements in section 3.6.3, and who are Regular Members of that Department, as defined by the Constitution of the University Faculty. In addition, such faculty members must be assigned 1/2 time or more in teaching or in research and administration.
10.1.1. If only three members of the Department satisfy these requirements, then, whenever possible, the Department Retention and/or Tenure and Promotion Committee shall consist of these members and no others. Committees may make recommendations only on retention, tenure, and promotion, and shall perform no other functions.
10.1.2. In a Department where fewer than three members are eligible for service on the Committees, the membership shall be brought up to three in the following manner:
a. The Department Chair shall obtain from the College Dean a list of faculty assigned at least 2/3 time in teaching and/or research within the College who satisfy the eligibility requirements of Section 3.6.3;
b. Nominations from this list shall be made by the Department members. At least two nominations from the College list are required for each remaining vacancy on the Department Promotion and Tenure Committee;
c. Elections shall be conducted according to provisions of Section 10.1.3 below.
10.1.3. When the number of eligible faculty in a Department exceeds three, the Department Committee shall be elected by secret written ballot of the Department Faculty. The Faculty eligible to vote are those eligible under provisions of Section 3.6.2 and who are assigned 1/2 time or more in teaching and/or research.
10.1.4. The election of the Committee or Committees shall occur after the election of Department representatives to the College Promotion and Tenure Committee, between June 1 and the end of Spring quarter. If the academic calendar leaves too little time for adequate election arrangements before the end of Spring Quarter, the Department Committee or Committees may be elected in the first week of the Fall quarter. The term of office shall be July 1 through June 30 of the subsequent year. Members may be elected for consecutive terms.
10.1.5. Members of the Committee or Committees on leave of absence may be replaced for the duration of the leave for the term of service by an election of an eligible replacement.
10.2. Functions of the Department Committee and the Department Chair
10.2.1. The Department Chair shall have the responsibility for:
a. convening the first meeting of the Department Committee or Committees not later than the first week of the Fall Quarter at which time the members of the Committee shall elect one of their number as Chair;
b. providing the Committee with a list of candidates eligible for retention, tenure, and promotion from within the Department;
c. collecting the WPAF in support of each candidacy;
d. reviewing with the Committee the procedure, criteria and eligibility requirements appropriate to the cases before the Committee;
e. inform the Committee that they may review the candidate’s PAF and teaching evaluations on file at the department as part of their deliberations.
10.2.2. The Department Committee shall carefully examine all the documentation supporting each candidacy, and may seek additional relevant evidence and consult with other department faculty. Any additional evidence, with the exception of original student evaluations on file at the Department Office, must be approved by the University Committee for inclusion in the WPAF, in accordance with section 3.4 of this document.
10.2.3. The Committee shall make a recommendation, which shall be expressed in the form of a vote. The voting option shall be "yes" or "no." The Committee's recommendation will be deemed favorable only if a majority of "yes" votes is obtained. The total membership of the Committee, rather than those present, is to form the basis for determining a majority. All members of the Committee must vote on each candidate. The Department Committee’s decision shall be guided by the uniform criteria in this document, and the department’s approved guidelines for professional achievement.
10.2.4. The Committee shall thereafter return each WPAF to the Department Chair. A single letter from the Committee shall be included in the WPAF, stating the recommendation and summarizing both favorable and unfavorable views relative to the recommendation. For each category of criteria – instructional achievement, professional achievement, university service, and community service – the letter shall indicate whether the candidate “meets expectations,” “exceeds expectations,” or “does not meet expectations.” In the absence of a unanimous vote, majority and minority opinions must be provided separately in the letter (see Section 3.6.6). The letter as a whole must be signed by each member of the Committee. These signatures shall be obtained only after completion of the procedures described in Sections 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 above.
10.2.5. The Committee shall notify the faculty member of its recommendation and provide the faculty member with a copy of the Committee's letter of recommendation no later than the deadline date for transmittal of WPAFs to Department Chairs. Official date of receipt of the letter shall be defined as the deadline date.
a. The candidate may provide a letter and / or request a meeting in response to any recommendation from the committee within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the receipt of the letter.
b. The candidate may request reconsideration, may submit a rebuttal letter, and is entitled to meet with the Committee to discuss the recommendation. The request for reconsideration and submission of the rebuttal letter and/or request for a meeting with the Committee to discuss the recommendation must be made within ten (10) calendar days after the date of receipt of the letter of recommendation.
c. If a meeting is requested, the meeting will be held as soon as possible, but normally not later than ten (10) calendar days after the Committee has received the request from the candidate. A rebuttal letter shall be read by the members of the Department Committee. If a meeting has been held and/or a rebuttal letter submitted, the Committee shall send, as soon as possible, a memorandum containing its subsequent recommendations to the Department Chair. This memorandum shall be forwarded to be placed in the candidate’s WPAF, with a copy to the candidate.
10.2.6. The Department Chair shall make a separate recommendation in which for each category of criteria – instructional achievement, professional achievement, university service, and community service – he or she indicates whether the candidate “meets expectations,” “exceeds expectations,” or “does not meet expectations.” The Department Chair will provide the faculty member with a copy of the letter no later than the deadline date for transmittal of WPAFs to the College Office. Official date of receipt of the letter shall be defined as the deadline date.
a. The candidate may provide a letter and / or request a meeting in response to any recommendation from the Department Chair within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the letter.
b. The candidate may request reconsideration, may submit a rebuttal letter, and is entitled to meet with the Chair to discuss the recommendation. The request for reconsideration and submission of the rebuttal letter and/or request for a meeting with the Chair to discuss the recommendation must be made within ten (10) calendar days after the date of receipt of the letter.
c. If a meeting is requested, the meeting will be held as soon as possible, but normally not later than five (5) calendar days after the Chair has received the request from the candidate. A rebuttal letter shall be read by the Chair. A copy of the rebuttal letter shall be provided by the Chair to the Department Committee. If there has been a meeting and/or submission of a rebuttal letter, the Chair shall write a subsequent recommendation to be forwarded as soon as possible to the College level, with copies to the Department Committee and the candidate.
10.2.7. The candidate who has received an unfavorable recommendation on promotion may request in writing to the Department Chair that his or her case be withdrawn from consideration and that the dossier not be forwarded; on receipt of such a request the Chair shall take the necessary action to withdraw the candidate's case from further consideration during that academic year.
10.2.8. In retention cases where the Department Committee and the Department Chair disagree in their recommendations, the case shall be forwarded to the College Committee for its separate recommendation, in accordance with provisions of Section 3.1.2.