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12.1 Formation of the University Committee
12.1.1. The University Committee shall consist of five members elected from the Colleges in the Spring preceding the year of service. Representation shall be proportional to the number of members of the College Faculties (as defined in the Constitution of the University Faculty), provided that no College shall elect fewer than one nor more than two members. In the Winter quarter of each year the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall consult with the Faculty Affairs Committee to determine the number of members of the University Committee to be elected from each College for service in the following academic year.
12.1.2. The College Dean shall arrange for the nomination and election of the member(s) of the University Committee from the College. The number of nominees shall be at least twice the number of members to be elected. Balloting shall be secret and conducted over a period of at least five calendar days. This election shall be held no later than May 1. The College Dean shall exercise proper security measures over the ballots.
12.1.3. Those eligible to vote shall be the Regular Members of the College Faculty, in accordance with provisions of Section 3.6.2.
12.1.4. Those eligible to serve shall be the Regular Members of the College Faculty subject to the provisions of Section 3.6.3, and of Section 12.1.5 below.
12.1.5. The following are not be eligible to serve on the University Committee:
a. those faculty members who have served two previous terms on the University Committee during the preceding five years, including the year in which the election is being held;
b. those faculty members who have served on the University Committee in the previous term;
c. those faculty members who will not be teaching Fall, Winter, or Spring Quarters of the year of the term of service, unless a faculty member is available and willing to serve during the quarter or quarters in which he or she does not teach.
12.1.6. Should a vacancy occur on the University Committee, the affected College will elect an alternate, after all other elections for College and Department Committees have been completed, provided that the election of an alternate shall not be later than the fourth week of the Fall quarter. The names of the member(s) and the alternate elected by each College shall be reported to the Office of the President and to the Office of the Academic Senate.
12.1.7. An alternate shall serve on the University Committee only if the respective College member becomes ineligible or is unable to serve by reason of illness, death, or resignation.
12.1.8. The President or the President's designee shall act as convener of the Committee and shall convene its first meeting no later than November 1. The President or the President's designee shall at that time review with the Committee its responsibilities as herein detailed.
12.1.9. Acting on behalf of the President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:
a. shall transmit the WPAFs to the Committee;
b. shall not serve as a member of the Committee nor participate in its deliberations.
12.2. Functions of the University Committee
12.2.1. At its first meeting, the Committee shall elect one of its members to serve as Chair and another to serve as Secretary.
12.2.2. The Secretary shall keep such internal records as the Committee may require and shall record the vote on each candidate.
12.2.3. The responsibilities of the Chair of the Committee shall be to:
a. review, together with the Committee, the criteria for tenure and each promotional step;
b. receive the WPAFs accompanying each candidacy and arrange, so far as possible, for their grouping and consideration by types of candidacy;
c. inform the Committee that they may review the candidate’s PAF and teaching evaluations on file at the department as part of their deliberations;
d. examine, together with the Committee, all of the documentation in the candidate's WPAF and, should the Committee so desire, seek additional oral or written statements from the candidate or other members of the Faculty and make all materials available to the Committee;
e. encourage full and frank discussion, in Committee session, of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidacy before voting takes place on that candidacy;
f. transmit to the President the final recommendation on each candidacy; no recommendations will be transmitted until all the WPAF’s have been evaluated or until the established deadline date for recommendation to the President;
g. accept candidacy dossiers after the deadline, but only with a letter of explanation for such delay from the candidate's Department Chair and/or College Dean on approval by the University Committee.
12.2.4. The primary functions of the Committee shall be to:
a. ensure consistency and appropriateness in the application of criteria and procedures within and among departments and/or Colleges;
b. determine whether professional or personal bias has played a part in the making of recommendations at lower levels;
c. carefully examine all documentation supporting each candidacy and make a recommendation in the form of a vote.
12.2.5. In cases of special review for bias:
a. In order to make such a determination, the Committee may undertake a special review of the case to obtain such additional information as it deems necessary.
b. If the Committee finds bias it may so note in making its own substantive recommendation to the President. Alternatively, the Committee may recommend to the President that the case be reconsidered at lower levels in such a way as to eliminate the source of bias, provided such reconsideration is possible under applicable deadlines.
c. If the Committee determines, following receipt of a request for investigation under Section 11.2.9, that there is not sufficient evidence of bias to justify an investigation, it shall so inform the candidate, the College Dean, and the President.
12.2.6. Regarding professional criteria: In making its recommendation, unless bias is at issue, the Committee shall decline to pass judgment on the specialized professional qualifications of the candidate but, rather, shall accept the judgment of those in the discipline of the candidate or in kindred disciplines regarding specialized professional qualifications. Members of the University Committee shall act as representatives of the entire University, rather than of a department or a College.
12.2.7. Each member of the Committee, including the Chair, shall vote. The voting option shall be "yes" or "no." The Committee's recommendation will be read as a favorable one only if a majority of the total membership of the Committee votes "yes." All members of the Committee shall vote on each candidacy.
12.2.8. The Committee may return to any dossier and reopen discussion and voting up to the deadline date when final recommendations must reach the President.
12.2.9. A single letter from the Committee shall be included in the WPAF, stating the recommendation and summarizing both favorable and unfavorable views. In the absence of a unanimous vote, majority and minority opinions must be provided separately in the letter (see section 3.6.6). The letter as a whole must be signed by each member at the conclusion of the deliberations of the Committee, and submitted to the President via the Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
12.2.10. The University Committee shall notify the faculty member of its recommendation and provide the faculty member with a copy of the Committee's letter of recommendation no later than the deadline date for transmittal of WPAFs to the President. Official date of receipt of the letter shall be defined as the deadline date.
a. The candidate may provide a letter and/or request a meeting in response to any recommendation from the committee within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the receipt of the letter.
b. The candidate may request reconsideration, may submit a rebuttal letter, and is entitled to meet with the Committee to discuss the recommendation. The request for reconsideration and submission of the rebuttal letter and/or request for a meeting with the Committee to discuss the recommendation must be made within ten (10) calendar days after the date of receipt of the letter of recommendation.
c. The meeting will be held as soon as possible, but normally not later than ten (10) calendar days after the Committee has received the request from the candidate. A rebuttal letter shall be read by members of the University Committee. Copies of the rebuttal letter shall be sent by the Chair of the Committee to the previous levels of review. If a meeting has been held and/or a rebuttal letter submitted, the Committee shall send, as soon as possible, a memorandum containing its subsequent recommendation to the President, with copies to the candidate, the College Committee, the College Dean, the Department Committee, and the Department Chair.
12.3. Conclusion of University Review
12.3.1. After the completion of action at the University Committee and Presidential levels, the Committee shall, at its last meeting before dissolution, gather together the records of its work, including vote tallies, drafts of summary letters, and similar working materials. The Committee shall transmit these materials to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for safekeeping.
12.3.2. For three years, the documents shall not be made available to anyone for any subsequent personnel decision except to a grievant to whom the documents apply. After three years, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall destroy these materials, together with all original letters of recommendation received from all reviewing bodies.
12.3.3. Records accumulated by individual members of the Committee shall be destroyed immediately after the Committee concludes its work.
12.3.4. Action under 12.3 terminates current year tenure procedures and any further action shall be considered a grievance or other appropriate procedure.
12.3.5. After the President's decision and final action on the candidacy, the WPAFs shall be returned to the appropriate departments, where their contents will be dealt with in a manner consistent with the provisions of Section 3.3.4.