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All faculty, whatever their rank, experience, or discipline, are engaged in a similar intellectual enterprise and perform essentially the same kinds of services for the University. Hence faculty will be evaluated according to uniform criteria for instructional achievement, professional achievement, university service, and community service.
One qualification is recommended:
Given the great variety of professional work among the faculty, departments are strongly encouraged to establish and maintain guidelines for professional achievement that are consistent with a) the department’s discipline or disciplines; b) the uniform criteria for professional achievement outlined in section 4.3 below; and 3) CSU professional criteria in general, as suitable to a teaching university. The guidelines will be developed by the departmental faculty and approved by the College Dean in consultation with his or her council of chairs. Such Guidelines, with a dated record of the department vote and the Dean’s approval, shall be kept on file in the offices of the College Dean and the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
4.1. Degree
This criterion is met by possession of the Doctorate, or the normal terminal degree (or in exceptional cases, the equivalent thereof). Each Department shall maintain with the Office of the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs an approved memorandum of understanding that will define the appropriate terminal degree for faculty serving in that Department.
Each Department, by majority vote of the tenured faculty of that Department, shall also file with the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs a memorandum of understanding that will define equivalence for each terminal degree which is appropriate for members of the Department. This memorandum must be approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and by the Faculty Affairs Committee before it can become effective. Unless the appropriate memorandum is on file, no person shall be deemed to have such equivalence. Once a person receives an equivalent designation under this policy, no further designations of equivalency are required.
4.2. Instructional Achievement
Instructional achievement may be demonstrated by documentary evidence of the ability to select appropriate materials, to present course content effectively, and to make significant demands upon the intelligence and industry of students. Such documentary evidence shall include impartially administered student evaluations, peer evaluations, course syllabi, and additional information, such as samples of student work evaluated by the candidate, examinations, and supplemental materials. (See Section 3.3.2f.)
Student evaluations will be considered as one element in the full evaluation of instructional achievement. Additional support of instructional achievement may include evidence of any of the following, or other appropriate activities
4.2.1. creativity in coursework as demonstrated by innovative techniques, by adaptation of course content to reflect change and progress in the subject matter area, or by initiation of and participation in student-oriented seminars, colloquia, workshops, exhibitions, dramatic performances, debates, forums, recitals, and the like;
4.2.2 ability to develop and present new courses or activities as demonstrated by specimen course outlines, by preliminary investigations into the necessary library or equipment acquisitions, or by acceptance of the courses or activities by faculty and students;
4.2.3. ability to relate the discipline to other disciplines and fields of endeavor, as demonstrated by participation in interdisciplinary programs, seminars, and forums; and in freshmen learning communities;
4.2.4. advising and counseling effectiveness, especially for purposes of student success and retention;
4.2.5. student achievement and recognition as demonstrated by awards, fellowships, publications, exhibits, performances, vocational employment or entry into professional training or graduate programs, when such recognition is an outgrowth of the instructor's guidance and instructional effectiveness;
4.2.6. supervision of undergraduate independent study students as evidenced by program reports, and of graduate students, supported by abstracts of thesis or project reports;
4.2.7. successful supervision of student teachers;
4.2.8. successful supervision of students in credentialing, clinical, and other counseling programs;
4.2.9. successful supervision of service-learning internships;
4.2.10. contributions to the development of hybrid and online learning;
4.12.11. instructionally-related administrative assignments;
4.2.12. ability to provide effective instruction to a multiethnic and culturally diverse student population.
4.3. Professional Achievement
Uniform criteria for professional achievement is demonstrated by material documenting meritorious contributions and recognition within the field of the candidate's competence. This may be shown by any of the following, and may be articulated in approved departmental guidelines for professional achievement:
4.3.1. publications, in the form of contributions to professional journals of national or international circulation, or in the form of works published by publishing houses of national or international repute, together with pertinent reviews of the published works;
4.3.2. critical contributions, in the form of criticism or reviews for national periodicals or magazines, national newspapers, or other communication media;
4.3.3. oral contributions at professional conferences, seminars, workshops, institutes, or special programs;
4.3.4. performances in the performing arts, together with pertinent reviews thereof;
4.3.5. exhibitions in the graphic arts, together with pertinent reviews thereof;
4.3.6. translations of works in foreign languages;
4.3.7. contributions to the scholarship of teaching;
4.3.8. an active program of scholarly or creative work in progress, appropriate to the discipline;
4.3.9. service on committees or boards of professional societies and organizations;
4.3.10. receipt of awards, prizes, fellowships, or grants;
4.3.11. professional consultancies, showing the nature of the consultancies, and the nature of the organizations requesting the consultant service;
4.3.12. In retention cases, evidence of substantial progress toward achievement of the Doctorate or other normal terminal degree may qualify also as evidence of professional achievement. In tenure cases the recent award of the Doctorate or other normal terminal degree may qualify as evidence of professional achievement.
4.4. University Service
Internal University contributions may be demonstrated by documentary material showing service to the University in such areas as:
4.4.1. faculty government;
4.4.2. committee service at the Department, College, or University levels;
4.4.3. activities that enhance the University's ability to serve the needs of a multiethnic and non-traditional student body;
4.4.4. assistance in student activities;
4.4.5. University administrative assignments;
4.4.6. coordination of graduate programs;
4.4.7. coordination of single subject programs;
4.4.8. coordination of student-learning activities;
4.4.9. coordination of Academic Major assessments;
4.4.10. administrative assignments not involving instruction.
4.5. Community Service
Community service may be demonstrated by documentary material to show achievement and recognition in activities which enhance community well-being and the relationship between the University and the community. The term "community" may be seen to be local, regional, state, national, or international in character. Evidence may also be included of achievement as a University representative in local, regional, state, national or international organizations. Community service may be demonstrated by documentary material in such areas as:
4.5.1. service on local or state government councils, boards, committees, task forces, etc.;
4.5.2. service on local or state, private or public agencies or civic organizations, councils, boards, task forces, etc.;
4.5.3. presentations, classroom participation, and professional services in local schools;
4.5.4. supervision of student community service projects;
4.5.5. presentations to public and private civic organizations.