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6.1. Expectations
Tenure constitutes more than recognition of past teaching performance and scholarly work. It is a judgment by the faculty that the candidate will continue to contribute into the future to the development of the University. Tenure is a commitment (into the future) in anticipation of contributions to the University in the areas of instructional achievement, professional achievement, university service, and community service, and should only be granted within this framework.
6.2. Eligibility
Eligibility for tenure is governed by the CBA, Article 13. The major provisions follow.
6.2.1. A probationary faculty member is subject to review according to these procedures for the purpose of the award of tenure.
6.2.2. The normal period of probation is six years of full-time probationary service and credited service, if any. For the purpose of calculating the probationary period, a year of service commences with the first fall term of appointment. At the time of initial appointment to probationary status, up to two years of credited service for probation may be granted by the President, upon recommendation by the affected department. Any deviation from the normal six year probationary period shall be the decision of the President following his or her consideration of recommendations from the Department or equivalent unit and appropriate administrator(s). The President may award tenure to a faculty member before the end of the normal six year probationary period.
6.3. Criteria
The candidate's dossier shall contain documentary evidence to substantiate performance and promise under criteria 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, and 6.3.4, and may also contain evidence substantiating performance under criterion 6.3.5. First and highest priority shall be accorded to 6.3.1. Next highest priority shall be accorded to 6.3.2, followed by 6.3.3. Lower priority shall be accorded to 6.3.4, and lowest priority to 6.3.5.
6.3.1. Degree (see Section 4.1)
6.3.2. Instructional Achievement (see Section 4.2)
6.3.3. Professional Achievement (see Section 4.3)
6.3.4. University Service (see Section 4.4)
6.3.5. Community Service (see Section 4.5)
6.4. Procedures
6.4.1. Tenure determination procedures are those outlined in sections 3.0, 10.0, 11.0 and 12.0 of this document.
6.4.2. The President shall officially notify the probationary faculty member of the final decision on the award or denial of tenure no later than June 1. The lack of official notice shall not result in the award of tenure. If tenure is denied, the President shall notify the faculty member by June 1 of a subsequent probationary appointment or a terminal year appointment. Terminal year appointments shall be limited to probationary faculty members who have served a minimum of three years.
6.4.3. A faculty member who is serving in a terminal "notice" year may request that the previous negative decision on tenure be reconsidered. The Departmental Committee on Promotion and Tenure shall evaluate new evidence provided by the faculty member, and shall recommend that the request be granted or denied; it shall forward the WPAF, with the new evidence, to the Department Chair. The Department Chair shall recommend that the request be granted or denied; the Department Chair shall then forward both of the recommendations to the President. If the President grants the request, reconsideration shall be accomplished on the same basis and according to the same criteria as if it were a regular consideration for tenure.
6.5. Early Tenure
6.5.1. The normal period of probation is six years. Any deviation from this standard is unusual and shall require such an unusually strong profile of performance in all aspects of tenure criteria or other factors as to make the case unambiguously compelling.
6.5.2. An Assistant Professor who has not completed the probationary period and wishes to be considered for early tenure must submit to the Department Chair a written letter titled "Request for Consideration for Early Tenure," which will be included in the candidate's WPAF.
6.5.3. To be considered for tenure under these circumstances, a candidate's dossier must contain evidence of extraordinary achievement or recognition beyond the normal expectations for tenure under either the instructional or professional criteria, while also satisfying the other criteria appropriate to tenure.
6.5.4.The Department Committee and the Department Chair, as well as the College Committee and the Dean, must each complete a thorough review of the candidate’s WPAF and must state in their separate letters that the candidate’s case is an unambiguously compelling example of extraordinary achievement beyond the expectations for normal tenure.
6.5.5. The calendar and sequence of evaluation for early tenure will be the same as those for normal tenure.