Information for International Students

The Communicative Sciences and Disorders program welcomes international students who wish to study speech-language pathology and audiology. However, your decision to study here should be carefully considered and based on a clear plan.

Our undergraduate (B.S.) and graduate (M.S.) programs are designed to prepare students for clinical practice in the United States, and to meet the requirements of certification and licensure here.

For students who have completed a full undergraduate degree program in Communicative Disorders (Speech-Language Pathology), the M.S. degree program requires two (2) full years of study and clinical training.

For students who have completed baccalaureate degrees in other majors or disciplines (not Speech-Language Pathology), the M.S. degree program requires three and a half (3 1/2) to four (4) full years of study and clinical training.

If you are planning to remain in the United States, and expect to practice speech-language pathology here, you will need to complete the full graduate training described above. If you plan to return to your country of origin, we cannot guarantee that the training you receive here will result in licensure and/or certification in your home country. Please research this carefully.

More information for international students is available at the following university websites: