CEAS Assessment

Welcome to the CEAS Assessment page.  Assessment is an important process that allows us to determine whether the learning outcomes associated with the courses in a program (Student Learning Outcomes - SLOs), the programs in the College (Program Learning Outcomes - PLOs), and the learning outcomes identified by the University (Institutional Learning Outcomes - ILOs) are being attained.  The assessment process provides the data that can be utilized to drive curricular and pedagogical improvements.

In the table below, for each degree program in the College, there are links (that will download a document) to the Curriculum Maps for each program that show how through the courses in a program students are introduced, develop, master, and are assessed with respect to the PLOs and how these align with the ILOs.  The 5-year assessment plan explains the cycle of assessment for each PLO as well as the methodology used and the assessment tools implemented.  The annual reports articulate the assessment cycle for the given year.   

The college has a number of programs that go through external accreditation.  Information on the assessment of these programs can be found .



New to Assessment?

If you are new to assessment, find out how assessment committees are structured and where to learn more about assessment.


Academic Review, Assessment and Accreditation

CAPR oversees program academic review. The Educational Effectiveness Committee (EEC) ensures ongoing assessment and improvement of all academic programs.



Locate Course Learning Outcomes

Pedagogy, assignments, and assessments should be designed to meet course, program, and institutional learning outcomes as indicated in curriculum maps and assessment plans. Your department's course learning outcomes can be found .


Make Changes to Your Program

Information on curriculum development for program changes can be found here. To make changes to core courses, use the Curriculum Map Template Instructions and Long Term Assessment Plan Template and Instructions found under Assessment Resources. Check with your associate dean if you do not know where to start.



Curriculum Maps







Leadership (EDLD)

Educational Leadership, M.S. MS EDLD Map MS Ed Leadership Plan MS Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership, Ed.D. EdD Ed Leadership Map EdD Ed Leadership Plan EdD Educational Leadership


Psychology (EPSY)

Counseling, M.S.

MS Counseling Map

MS Counseling Plan

School Psychology Plan

School Counseling Plan

MFT Plan

MS Counseling


Special Education, M.S.

MS Special Education Mild/Moderate Map

MS Special Education Moderate/Severe Map

MS Special Education Mild Moderate-Mild Severe Course Map

MS Special Education Plan MS Special Education
Kinesiology (KIN) Kinesiology, B.S.

BS Kinesiology PLO Course Map

BS Kinesiology ILO PLO Map

BS Kinesiology Plan BS Kinesiology
Kinesiology, M.S.

MS Kinesiology PLO Course Map

MS Kinesiology ILO_PLO Map

MS Kinesiology Plan MS Kinesiology
Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism (HRT) Recreation, B.S. BS Recreation Map BS Recreation and Hospitality and Tourism Plans BS Recreation
Hospitality & Tourism, B.S. BS Hospitality and Tourism Map BS Recreation and Hospitality and Tourism Plans BS Hospitality and Tourism
Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism, M.S. MS Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Map MS Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Plan MS Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism
Teacher Education (TED) Early Childhood Education, M.S. MS Early Childhood Education map MS Early Childhood Education Plan MS Early Childhood Education
Educational Technology, M.S. MS Educational Technology Map MS Educational Technology Plan MS Educational Technology
Reading & Literacy, M.S. MS Reading Map MS Reading Plan MS Reading Literacy

Education, M.S.

MS Education OTL Map MS Education OTL Plan MS Education