Other FAQs for Human Development Program
Question: Can I complete two options in my HDEV Major?
Yes, you can complete two options in HDEV and have them both appear as 'Concentrations' on your transcripts (and diploma if desired). These must be from the four pre-approved age-related options and not the specialized sequence alternative which cannot appear on your diploma, but you may describe your specialization on your resume, etc. To do two Options, you take 4880 and 4891 once each, and must also complete the 16 other units for the first option as well as 16 units for the second option. For example, to complete options in Childhood and Adolescence, you take HDEV 4700 (Childhood Development) and select three electives from that list AND you take HDEV 4400 (Adolescent Development) and select three electives form that list. Although there is some overlap in the lists of electives for options, your 16 units in each option should be unique - that is, no overlap, or 'double counting' of classes in two options. This principle applies to completing three options, though it occurs rarely.