Before Registering for Classes

Before enrolling in classes, be sure to take the following actions:

  • Review your Admitted Student Checklist
  • Check To Do List to complete required items
  • Check To Do List for any possible registration holds and remediate the holds
  • Check the Important Dates page for fee deadlines and enrollment dates
  • Obtain needed for classes, course patterns, and degree planning
  • Meet with an academic adviser in General Education and major or minor departments as needed
  • If you are a student in any of the following programs, meet with your program advisor
    1. EOP
    2. EXCEL
    3. GANAS
    4. Graduate school
    5. International student
    6. Online Campus
    7. PACE
    8. Project Impact
    9. Renaissance Scholars
    10. SSOS
    11. Student Athletes
    12. Veterans

Depending on your program and individual needs, you may need to get advising from more than one office.