Information for Prospective Students

BS Program - Under Construction for Semesters

The Department of Statistics at Cal State East Bay (formerly Cal State Hayward) offers an undergraduate major program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Statistics. This document briefly describes the field of Statistics, the professional opportunities available to statisticians, and our degree program.

An official statement of the current requirements can be found online in the University . The Catalog is also available in hard copy from the Pioneer Bookstore, 25976 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward, CA 94542.

The Science of Statistics

Statistics is the science of decision-making under uncertainty. Historically, people think of "statistics" as descriptive information and, perhaps, methods for obtaining the descriptive information. The field of Statistics was founded by biologists, economists, mathematicians, medical practitioners, educators, psychologists, and other scientists and social scientists. Most "real life" investigations are done with limited funds and in a limited time period. This means that important decisions have to be made on the basis of incomplete information. Statistical methods point the way to collecting the best possible information and using it in the most efficient way.

As computational power has grown, the field of Statistics has become indespensible in the practice of almost every other scientific and social science area. Newly popular applications of Statistics include market research (Management), quality control (Engineering), financial management (Economics), government policy (Political Science), design of scientific experiments (Biology), and the analysis of sample data (Education and Psychology). Professionals in the administrative, social, biological, and physical sciences realize the importance of statistical techniques. It is hard to read the newspaper or watch or listen to the news without hearing some information that came from statistical practice.

Professional Opportunities

One of the attractions of a major in Statistics is that it can lead to careers in a wide variety of areas. Recently, advances in computer technology have opened up even more employment prospects for statisticians.

Several major professional organizations serve the needs of statisticians. Among these are the American Statistical Association , which has about 20,000 members working in industry, government, teaching, and research, and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics , which has about 4000 members, a majority of them in the research and university teaching sectors. These and other statistical organizations have cooperated to publish brochures available from ASA and IMS on in statistics. ASA's publications also provide personal career profiles of a number of working statisticians and current information on in the field.

A Flexible Program

The B.S. Program in Statistics can accommodate students interested in both applied and theoretical areas. Also, we can devise individual programs for those who plan to end their formal education with the B.S. degree and those who plan to go on to graduate study in Statistics or in some area where statistics is often used.

It is possible to combine a Statistics major with a major in another field, such as Psychology, Mathematics, Geography, etc. This is feasible because the Statistics degree requires a coherent course of upper division courses outside of Statistics and because some courses that are required for Statistics often count for the second major as well. A separate brochure on double majors is available.

An Ideal Environment

A modern computer laboratory, equipped with a wide range of statistical software, is available for class instruction in Statistics and for student use outside of class. Statistics class sizes are relatively small, usually ranging from about 30-45 for the basic courses to about half that size for more advanced and specialized undergraduate courses.

Personal contact with faculty members outside of class is encouraged. Several times a year current students, graduates of the program, and faculty get together for informal social events.

Because many of our students are employed off of campus, Statistics and Mathematics courses required for the B.S. degree can normally be completed by taking courses after 4:00 p.m.. Students with more flexible schedules will have a wider selection of courses and quarters of offering.

The Department of Statistics also offers the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Statistics. This is important to undergraduate students for several reasons.

  • An extraordinary variety of advanced courses is available to advanced undergraduate students.
  • Frequent lectures and other events enrich student life and provide possibilities for professional contacts.
  • Students wishing to continue for an M.S. degree in the department can plan their undergraduate program to help ensure acceptance and, in appropriate circumstances, can take up to two courses as undergraduates that will count towards the graduate degree.

The Hayward campus of Cal State East Bay is located in the rolling foothills on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay with magnificent views of the Bay Area. The climate is dry, except in late fall and winter. Temperatures are mild: freezing weather is rare, and usually only a few summer days exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius). The Bay Area is a center of much cultural and statistical activity.

Basic Requirements

To enter the undergraduate program in statistics, you need to qualify for admission to Cal State East Bay. Information about requirements and procedures is available and by mail from the Office of Admissions; California State University, East Bay; Hayward, CA 94542.

We encourage prospective students living in or visiting the San Francisco Bay Area to make an appointment to discuss our program with a member of the Statistics Department faculty. To make such an appointment or to request additional information contact: Department of Statistics; California State University, East Bay; Hayward, CA 94542; (510) 885-3435, or e-mail Prof. Eric Suess.

Desirable Background

The theory of Statistics rests on a mathematical foundation. Even statisticians primarily interested in applications frequently encounter challenging mathematical problems. Calculus and the basics computer programming are required as part of the major. Courses in areas where Statistics is regularly used are also helpful: for example, Business, Biology, Chemistry, Sociology, Geology, Psychology, Physics, Geography, etc. Some courses from these areas can be counted towards the major in Statistics.

The ideal high school background for a future statistician includes four years of mathematics—including, if possible, Advanced Placement Calculus and/or Advanced Placement Statistics. Students transferring from a community college are advised to complete the sequence of analytic geometry and calculus available at that level; if available, an elementary course in computer programming will also be useful. All students are encouraged to take courses where mathematics and statistics are used, such as those from the administrative, social, biological, and physical sciences listed above.

However, if your interest in the field of Statistics develops after a couple of years of college work, you should consult an advisor in the Statistics Department [contact Prof. Eric Suess by email or phone (510) 885-3435]. Our entry requirements are somewhat flexible, the required background courses are offered frequently, and some of the units you have already taken may count towards a Statistics major. So, even if you get a late start, it may be possible to design a program for you that leads to a B.S. in Statistics without unduly delaying your graduation date.

A Statistics major must complete a total of 180 quarter-units chosen in consultation with a Department advisor and according to the general requirements explained in the University for all majors.

General Education (Required of Majors in All Areas): 72 units

General education requirements include 60 units (including possible transfer units) to be completed before becoming a junior, the writing skills requirement, and 12 units of upper-division courses which must be completed at CSU East Bay after achieving upper-division status.

Statistics Major Requirements: 68-78 units

The requirements listed below are those we expect to be in effect for students entering in Fall 1999. (At this point they must be considered unofficial and tentative.) Consult the for an official statement of current requirements.

I. Basic Requirements (16-26 units)
Math 1304, 1305. Calculus I, II (4, 4)
[Prerequisite: Math 1300. Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry (4)]
One of the following (4 units):
CS 1020. Introduction to Computers (4) or
CS 1160. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
Methods (4)
One of the following (4-10 units including prerequisite course):
Stat 3010. Statistical Methods in the Social Sciences (4)
[Prerequisite: Stat 1000 (5)] or
Stat 3031. Statistical Methods in Biology (4) or
MGMT 3100. Quantitative Methods in Business (5)
[Prerequisite: Stat 2010 (5)] or
Math 2101. Elements of Linear Algebra (4) or
Math 2304. Calculus III (4)
II. Mathematical Statistics and Probability (32 units)
All of the following (16 units):
Stat 3401. Introduction to Probability Theory I (4)
Stat 3502, 3503. Statistical Inference I, II (4, 4)
Stat 4601. Regression (4)
Either 1 of the following (4 units)
Stat 3900. Data Analysis Using Statistical Packages (4)
Stat 4950. Advanced Statistical Packages for Data Analysis(4)
Any 3 of the following (12 units):
Stat 3402.* Introduction to Probability Theory II (4)
Stat 3510. Sampling Procedures for Surveys (4)
Stat 3910.** Statistical Software Design (4)
Stat 4910.** Advanced Statistical Software Design (4)
Stat 4401.* Introduction to Stochastic Processes (4)
Stat 4515. Applied Multivariate Analysis (4)
Stat 4603. Operations Research II (4)
Stat 4610. Intro. to Nonparametric Statistical Methods (4)
*These two courses especially recommended for the mathematical statistics pattern.
*Only one of these two courses will count towards the major.
III. Area of Emphasis (20 units)
Complete one of the following:
1. Twenty units of approved mathematics or statistics courses in addition to those used for the requirements in Sections I and II above. Math 3100, Linear Algebra, or Math 3300, Intermediate Analysis, should normally be included in these 20 units and at least 1 of them is required for those students in the departmental honors program. Those courses are especially recommended for students taking the mathematical statistics pattern or wishing to apply to the Statistics M.S. Program.
2. Twenty units of approved courses in an approved area. Areas currently approved include the following: Anthropology, Biological Science, Business/Economics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Geological Sciences, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology. To gain Departmental approval, these courses must include at least one upper-division course and be judged to constitute a coherent program of study. (With the approval of the Department, upper-division Statistics courses, except Stat 3010, 3031, 3040, and 3050 may be included in these 20 units.)

Elective Courses: 30-40 units

You must complete additional units for a total of 180 units for your Bachelor of Science degree. You may wish to consult with a Departmental advisor in selecting these units to match your interests or career objectives.

The  describes various loans and scholarships that are administered by the University. You can obtain additional current information from the Financial Aid Office. Within the Statistics Department some additional, but very limited, financial support is available for students who have proved their ability to do good work in the program.

Consulting Projects

Students are encouraged to participate in Departmental consulting projects whenever appropriate. Recently, the Department has participated in industry-sponsored programs that provide a variety of consulting opportunities for students who have an adequate background in applications.

Department Scholarships

The Department annually awards a limited number of $500 scholarships, some of which may be available to undergraduate students. Contact the Department Office for details.

If you have questions not answered here or in the , please contact the Department of Statistics. Prospective students living in or visiting the San Francisco Bay Area are invited to arrange a visit to campus to talk with a member of the Statistics faculty.

Contact Information for Statistics Department Office

Please start your phone conversation or correspondence by mentioning that you have read this brochure online.

  • Phone: (510) 885-3435
  • FAX: (510) 885-4714
  • Mail: Dept. of Statistics, California State Univ., East Bay
    Hayward, CA 94542 USA
  • Undergraduate Advisor E-mail: Prof. Eric Suess