Outdoor Digital Signs

Cal State East Bay’s outdoor digital signs are an effective way to advertise your upcoming process deadlines, campus event, activity or program to the university and the local community. 

All content must be in compliance with the guidelines below to be approved for posting by University Communications and Marketing. Unapproved content requiring modifications will need to be resubmitted.

Posting Guidelines

  • All content must be in compliance with university brand identity standards.
  • Only submittals announcing and promoting university events, activities and programs will be approved for posting, and all advertised events must be open to the public.
  • Outdoor digital sign timeslots are first come, first served. Users should submit their material one week prior to desired running dates.
  • Operational messages have priority over promotional content.
  • Only one sign per event/activity/program should run at a time to give all messages equal airtime.
  • All content must be duplicated in its entirety (and fully accessible by the public) on the university website. The corresponding website must contain the following statement concerning accessibility: “Individuals that require accommodations for this event please contact Accessibility Services by [10 business days prior to event date]. email: as@csueastbay.edu | phone: 510-885-3868.”

Technical Guidelines

Technical Guidelines for Outdoor Digital Signs

Required Pixel Dimensions

- ASI Sign must be 192 tall x 288 wide
- Road Signs must be 288 tall x 480 wide

Content Types Allowed

- ASI Sign allows static images and video/motion content
- Road Signs allow only static images

Legibility Requirements

No more than 35 words

No QR codes allowed

✓ Short urls are recommended

✓ Text must be readable from a distance!

Image Specifications

Images should be exported as high-quality JPEG files, at 72 pixels per inch (ppi).

Fonts used for roadway signs must be sans serif, at least 24 points, and have a contrast ratio between 8:1 and 12:1 (with the background). .

Video Specifications

Content should be exported as an uncompressed AVI or MP4 file at the highest quality, with a frame-rate of 24, 30 or 60 frames per second (fps). Set the aspect ratio set to square pixels.

Video must be exactly 10 seconds long.

NOTE: If you're submitting content for both the road signs and ASI sign, please note that the form only accepts one attachment at a time. You will need to fill out the form TWICE; once for the road signs and once for the ASI sign.

Outdoor Sign Locations

Outdoor Sign Locations

Three Roadway Signs

- Top of 91麻豆天美app
- Intersection of Harder Road and West Loop Road
- Outside the theater facing Campus Drive

ASI Sign

- Outside the Old University Union

Submittal Process

  • In order to post on the outdoor digital signs, fill out the online form located at the top of this page.
  • Users must adhere to the content and technical requirements listed above. Templates that meet the technical requirements are available for download. 
  • If the content is rejected, users must submit a new form when resubmitting a revised version of their content.
  • Still have questions? Contact Vanessa Lopez or University Communications.