President91Â鶹ÌìÃÀapp Budget Reduction Update

Dear Cal State East Bay community,

I am writing today with updated information on further budget reduction plans for this year. As I mentioned in my convocation presentation, we are projecting a significant structural deficit, meaning the revenue we received through our portion of the State allocation and tuition/fees is less than our currently budgeted expenses. Due to further decreases in enrollment projections as the semester began, we now anticipate our structural deficit to be closer to $14 million for this fiscal year, up from the $11 million deficit I projected at Convocation.

Since July 1, we have cut our expenses by approximately $4.4 million through our Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) and by eliminating 11 MPP positions from our operating budget. Still, we have a long way to go. I have listed below some additional reduction initiatives currently in discussion/planning.

Reduction in faculty reassignments

We are working closely with the Senate and academic units to reduce the amount of reassigned time provided to tenure and tenure track (T/TT) faculty to that which is contractually required or funded through other sources. Therefore, our T/TT faculty will be teaching more course sections, consistent with the CFA collective bargaining agreement. To provide more context on this action, we asked the Chancellor’s Office Audit group to review our reassigned time policies and practices. We will share the final report when we receive it. 

Other faculty reductions

Our VSIP savings, that included only six faculty positions, was very small. In addition, with more T/TT faculty covering teaching responsibilities, we have given notice to CFA that due to lack of funds, we may need to eliminate some other CFA represented positions. We are simultaneously going through two processes: meet and confer with CFA and adhering to contract terms as well as forming the Academic Senate Layoff Committee to make recommendations to administration for these reductions. 

College Reorganization-Consolidation

We will go forward with plans to form a College of Health by combining five existing departments (Kinesiology, Nursing, Public Health, Social Work and Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences). The College of Health will officially commence in fall 2025. However, based on campus concerns about increased costs of operating five colleges, I have decided to initiate a larger reorganization to retain our four-college structure, with one of the colleges being the College of Health. The provost and I are working closely with the Academic Senate to outline a process for this work. A joint message from Senate officers and me was sent out on September 3rd describing steps and a timeline. Please note some academic departments have also decided to merge. This is in addition to and separate from the larger reorganization initiative.

Low Degree-Conferring Programs

Last year, at the direction of the Chancellor, we undertook a review of degree programs with very small numbers of graduates.  We identified 11 for discontinuation and will work this year to advance this process. We will continue to review other low degree-conferring programs.

Decommissioning of Robinson Hall

To further reduce expenses by approximately $200,000 annually (utilities, maintenance, and repairs), we are engaging in planning to vacate and decommission Robinson Hall. We have been able to relocate classes and are currently working to relocate faculty offices and two program offices. The building could go offline as early as spring 2025.

Terminating Oakland Center lease

We have given notice of termination for our current lease of the Oakland Center. The lease will end June 30, 2025 and will result in significant savings going forward.

Energy Saving Initiatives

We have received special funding for energy saving initiatives like LED lights and motion detectors to reduce utility costs. We also have some funding—and are pursuing new funding—for additional and replacement solar arrays to further reduce energy costs.

New University Budget Advisory Committee

As I have announced, we are in the process of forming a new university-wide budget committee, chaired by VP Myeshia Armstrong and COBRA chair, Dr. Paul Carpenter. The committee will include a broader number of campus community members who will provide suggestions and who will help to disseminate information on our financial status throughout the remainder of the year. Please look for opportunities to learn more.

Finally, as we go through the year and work on achieving greater financial stability, I ask that we all keep students at the center. We can and will continue to focus on providing their degree requirements—at times and in formats that meet their needs. We will continue our various student support services with all of our activities and programs scaled to the number of students we have at this time. That is our focus. We are here for our students and for their success. That is our purpose. We can work together to ensure our students are well-served.

Sincerely yours,

Cathy Sandeen

September 12, 2024