Renewing Your Student Organization

BaySync Portal Update!

The BaySync portal has been updated! Follow the instructions on this page for the most current and up to date information about Recognition and Renewal for your student organization!

Events & Reservations for Fall 2024

All events and reservations for the first 2 weeks of school (Aug 19 - Aug 31) must be submitted in BaySync by Sunday, August 4, 2024 @ 11:59 PM to guarantee reservations. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

This page was updated on  07/02/2024

Recognition and Renewal for (Current) Student Organizations

All student organizations must complete the Recognition and Renewal (Rec & Renewal) process every academic year (Fall - Spring) in order to be officially recognized by the university. Below are all the items that need to be completed for your organization to be listed as a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) through the Student Leadership and Involvement Center (SLIC). 

Renewing your student organization's recognition is a three-step process. Completing this process will ensure that the student organization will have all rights and privileges for RSOs. If you have questions or concerns, contact

University Recognized Student Organizations have the following privileges:

  • Recruit members on campus
  • Hold meetings and other events on campus
  • Reserve and use university facilities and equipment
  • Have an on-campus banking account (AS account)
  • 91麻豆天美app for funding provided by the Associated Students, Inc. (ASI)
  • Hold a voting membership in appropriate inter-organizational groups
  • Receive mail in the Student Leadership and Involvement Center
  • Be included in the university's listing of Recognized Student Organizations
  • Have a portal on BaySync

University Recognition gives Student Organizations the following responsibilities:

  • Comply with all applicable federal and state laws and policies of California State University and CSUEB
  • Keep on file in Student Life and Leadership Programs a current copy of the constitution and/or bylaws of any and all organizations with which the RSO is affiliated; report all changes within 10 days of change
  • Carry out all activities in accordance with the RSO's bylaws
  • Report all officer changes to Student Life and Leadership Programs within 10 days of such changes
  • Have an On-Campus Advisor approved by Student Life and Leadership Programs
  • Have membership open to all matriculated, regularly enrolled CSUEB students, faculty, and staff; only student members may vote or hold office
  • Not to discriminate either in the content of bylaws or in practice against any person on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex (except as permitted by law), age, physical disability or sexual orientation (California Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 41500; Education amendments of 1972, Title IX)
  • Adhere to CSUEB policy on hazing; no member of a recognized student organization shall engage in hazing, i.e commit or participate in any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily damage, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any student or any other member of the California State University, Hayward community (California Education Code, Article 8, Sections 10851-10853); in cases of hazing, individuals, as well as organizations, are subject to University disciplinary action
  • Not to interfere with or disrupt the orderly conduct of university business
  • Exercise fiscal responsibility with the University, Associated Students, University Union, other auxiliary organizations and off-campus vendors

1. Recognition and Renewal Form in BaySync

NOTE: The PRESIDENT (or equivalent position) should be the one completing this form. No exceptions.

  1. Login to BaySync () with your Net ID and password
  2. Navigate to “Forms” and locate the “BaySync” tab
  3. Click on the form named [RSO] Recognition and Renewal Form for Student Organizations
 Watch step-by-step how to complete the new Recognition and Renewal Form.

  • Student Organization Information
  • Officer Information
    • The President and Treasurer are REQUIRED. You must submit ALL officer positions.
    • Minimum of 5 officers and can add up to 20 officers
  • Advisor Information
    • ALL organizations must have a CSUEB faculty/staff advisor
    • Co-Advisors and Off-Campus Advisors can be added but are not required
  • Organization Goals
    • Goals for the academic year and if the org plans to have any large planned programming, events with special concerns, or travel planned for the year.
  • Upload the Constitution and Bylaws
    • The student org’s Constitution must include the following areas (similar or equivalent): Name, Purpose, Authority, Membership, Officer (duties), Selection Process of Officers, Meetings, Advisor, Banking/Finance, & Amendments.
    • If the constitution is missing any required areas, the organization will NOT be recognized until documents are approved by SLIC.

2. Attend Recognition and Renewal Officer Training聽

All Presidents and Treasurers must complete the Officer Training Workshop. Presidents and Treasurers will be the designated PAGE ADMINISTRATORS for the BaySync. They will be the person who has the ability to change page information, submit events/ reservations, post news articles, and add/approve members (for private organizations only). The organization can have up to three (3) additional officers to attend to receive Officer Training to be a designated Page Administrator. 

The NAAT (Non-Discrimination Policy, Anti-Hazing Policy, Alcohol/Tobacco/Other Drugs Policy, and Title IX Policy) and Financial Agreement will be given at the trainings and must be signed via AdobeSign.

Officer Training is scheduled to be In-Person and officers must stay for the full duration of the workshop. Late attendees will not be allowed. 

President’s Roundtable Thursday, September 5, 2024 @ 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM North University Union 311
Treasurer’s Finance Workshop  Tuesday, September 10, 2024 @ 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM North University Union 311
Event Planning Workshop Tuesday, September 17, 2024 @ 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM North University Union 311

3. On-Campus Advisor Completes Form

Every student organization must have a CSUEB faculty/staff (or part of auxiliary) member that serves as the student organization’s On-Campus Advisor. The On-Campus Advisor must complete and submit the [RSO] On-Campus Advisor Form located in BaySync.This form is acknowledgement that they have accepted the responsibility of supporting and guiding your student organization. 

It is the responsibility of the student organization to find an On-Campus Advisor and remind the advisor to complete the necessary form. 

Student orgs can have Co-Advisors, both advisors must complete the [RSO] On-Campus Advisor Form. Off-Campus Advisors (alumni, nationals representative, etc.) are allowed but not required. The student organization must complete the [RSO] Off-Campus Advisor Form if the advisor does not have access to BaySync. 

How to locate the forms: 

  1. Login to BaySync () with your Net ID and password
  2. Navigate to “Forms” and locate the “BaySync” tab
  3. Click on the form named [RSO] On-Campus Advisor Form or [RSO] Off-Campus Advisor Form