For Club/Organization Advisors

All student clubs/organizations must have an  On-Campus Advisor. Having an On-Campus Advisor who is directly affiliated with Cal State East Bay provides the club/organization with the necessary connection to the University. Clubs/organizations can have an Off-Campus Co-Advisor as well. Student Life and Leadership Programs is available to work with and assist Advisors in clarifying and carrying out their responsibilities with student clubs/organizations.

The Advisor's role is to assist recognized clubs/organizations in achieving their goals and objectives by being a liaison. The university expects Advisors to advise club members and officers of relevant state laws and University policies and to take reasonable action to enforce them. Therefore, the Advisor should be knowledgeable of University policies and procedures, including those outlined below.

The presence of the On-Campus Advisor is expected at any event involving activities which could result in injury to a participant. In particular, the Advisor must be present when:

  • the event is after the regular University Union operating hours (from 5 p.m. Friday through 8:00 a.m. Monday morning), or
  • physical activities are involved, such as gym nights or sports events, or
  • money will be collected at an event, or
  • an on-campus dance is held.

In these cases, the Advisor is generally responsible for the safety of the participants, the security of the facility, and the manner in which the program is conducted.

If the On-Campus Advisor is unable to supervise a program, the organization may submit for approval the name of a CSUEB faculty or staff member willing to serve as an Advisor for a specific event. Some facilities or programs may require special hired supervision (University Union staff, University Police Officers, theater technicians, etc.). Under such circumstances, the supervisory requirement may be waived.

Other responsibilities include:

  • Know and believe in the club/organization, its goals, history, and constitution
  • Be informed of university policies and procedures governing student activities and organizations
  • See that the officers of the club/organization are aware of these policies and procedures
  • Report any violations of policies to Student Life and Leadership Programs
  • Tactfully provide suggestions, feedback and evaluations
  • Share enthusiasm, motivation; communicate openly
  • Be an active resource to the club/organization
  • Stay aware of the club/organization's successes and failures
  • Establish rapport
  • Know the limits of "rescuing" the group or program
  • Understand group process and leadership theory
  • Maintain commitment
  • Help general membership adhere to the constitution
  • Be aware of the activities of the club/organization through attendance at meetings or through frequent consultation with leaders
  • Assist student leaders in preserving the records of the club/organization which provide continuity (i.e. minutes, membership lists, evaluations of activities, current constitution, etc.)
  • Encourage members to assume responsibility for the club/organization and for the effectiveness of its programs
  • Provide advice regarding proper procedures to avoid conduct which would bring discredit to the club/organization or to the university
  • Assist in the administration of financial affairs and events of the club/organization when appropriate
  • Encourage on-campus programs and to be aware of contractual and/or legal obligations arising out of programs and activities held both on or off campus
  • Encourage a diverse membership and interaction with other organizations
  • Provide continuity during periods of transition and from year-to-year

Please contact Student Life and Leadership Programs, (510) 885-3657, or the organization's assigned Student Life Advisor, if you need clarification of, or assistance with, any of these responsibilities.

The university encourages the activities of student clubs/organizations and is supportive of your role as Advisor. Your responsibility is to act reasonably performing your role. Do not inhibit the club/organization from having fun, but do use reasonable care as you advise. Consider yourself as an educator representing both the club/organization and the university.

Anticipate "foreseeable harm"

Review planning and publicity. Do you foresee any kind of danger or harm to individuals or the university that may arise (Consider issues such as transportation, physical risk or damage, cost, lodging, alcohol)? Is the name of the university included in the activity?

Act with reasonable care

What would a reasonable person in a similar position do in this situation? Advise the leaders to action—don't take over. Communicate possibilities and concerns; ask what has been planned to handle each concern.

Duty to warn

If an event appears to have foreseeable harm, warn the leaders of the risk and their duty to take action (e.g. alter or remove the danger, plan how to forewarn members of risk, eliminate CSUEB's name if appropriate). Utilize CSUEB resources on campus if necessary. Contact the organization's assigned Student Life Advisor with any concerns or questions.

In order to exercise the privileges afforded to student clubs/organizations at CSUEB, the organization must be granted official university recognition. The procedures for receiving University recognition are outlined here for new clubs/organizations and here for returning clubs/organizations.

University recognition affords student organizations the following privileges:

  • Recruit members on campus
  • Hold meetings and other events on campus
  • Reserve and use university facilities and equipment
  • Use banking services and apply for funding provided by the Associated Students, Inc.
  • Hold a voting membership in appropriate inter-organizational groups
  • Have a mailbox, and receive mail in the Student Life and Leadership Programs office
  • Be included in the university's listing of recognized student organizations
  • Have a portal on BaySync

University recognition gives student organizations the following responsibilities:

  • Comply with all applicable federal and state laws and policies of California State University and CSUEB
  • Keep on file in Student Life and Leadership Programs a current copy of the constitution and/or bylaws of any and all organizations with which the student club/organization is affiliated; report all changes within 10 days of change
  • Carry out all activities in accordance with the club/organization's bylaws
  • Report all officer changes to Student Life and Leadership Programs within 10 days of such changes
  • Have an On-Campus Advisor approved by Student Life and Leadership Programs
  • Have membership open to all matriculated, regularly enrolled CSUEB students, faculty, and staff; only student members may vote or hold office
  • Not to discriminate either in the content of bylaws or in practice against any person on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex (except as permitted by law), age, physical disability or sexual orientation (California Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 41500; Education amendments of 1972, Title IX)
  • Adhere to CSUEB policy on hazing; no member of a recognized student organization shall engage in hazing, i.e commit or participate in any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily damage, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any student or any other member of the California State University, Hayward community (California Education Code, Article 8, Sections 10851-10853); in cases of hazing, individuals, as well as organizations, are subject to University disciplinary action
  • Not to interfere with or disrupt the orderly conduct of university business
  • Exercise fiscal responsibility with the University, Associated Students, University Union, other auxiliary organizations and off-campus vendors

Student clubs/organizations at Cal State East Bay have the responsibility to utilize their On-Campus Advisors and always maintain open lines of communication. As a club/organization, the members have a responsibility to:

  • Keep the Advisor informed regarding the operation and needs of the club/organization
  • Provide the Advisor with copies of minutes of meetings
  • Consult with the Advisor about programs, events and activities
  • Update the Advisor on the financial condition of the club/organization
  • Inform the Advisor immediately if situations arise that may cause problems for the club/organization or any member
  • Provide opportunities for interaction between the Advisor and the members of the club/organization
  • Give the Advisor an opportunity to express an opinion on issues which affect the welfare of the club/organization and the university
  • Recognize that an Advisor should not be committed to any type of obligation unless they agree to the commitment

In turn, students expect their Advisor to be aware of and implement their responsibilities as outlined in this guide, and use the resources of Student Life and Leadership Programs to clarify and carry out responsibilities.


If an club/organization is planning a dance, it must contact Student Life and Leadership Programs a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance to discuss in detail the policies and procedures for sponsoring a dance on campus. The costs involved in sponsoring a dance normally include charges for hiring Public Safety Officers and/or other security personnel, ushers from the University Union, facility fees, and dance floor rental. The On-Campus Advisor is expected to be present at such an event.

High Risk Events

An event may be determined to be high risk if it presents an increased potential for injury for participants (an athletic program is an example). Due to this risk, any individual participating in a high risk event must complete and sign liability release forms prior to participation. Liability release forms are available through Student Life and Leadership Programs, and the sponsor must submit the completed releases to Student Life and Leadership Programs immediately following the program. The campus Advisor is expected to be present at all high risk events.

Student clubs/organizations may be required to carry event insurance if deemed necessary by the university Risk Managment department. If the university determines that a proposed activity is too great a risk, the activity will not be approved. If a student club/organization chooses to sponsor such an event off-campus, the organization does so without university approval, and individuals who participate accept full responsibility (including liability) for their actions.

Off-Campus Programs

The university assumes no responsibility or liability for off-campus programs sponsored by student clubs/organizations. An off-campus event may not use "California State University, East Bay" in its publicity of the event.

Physical Education Facilities/Gym Nights/Tournaments

An On-Campus Advisor must be in attendance at programs using these facilities, and liability releases must be completed by all participants prior to participation. Gym nights and programs using Physical Education facilities are popular, and space is limited. It is important to make reservations early.

Below are some common terms used by student clubs/organizations.

Associated Students

The Associated Students, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation whose membership consists of all students enrolled at CSUEB. Members are entitled to and encouraged to participate in A.S. activities and to vote in all student elections.

On-Campus Advisor

A CSUEB staff or faculty member who assists a recognized club/organization in achieving its goals and objectives by providing a working relationship between the university and the club/organization.


An Off-Campus Advisor or second On-Campus Advisor.


Each recognized student club/organization has a constitution on file with Student Life and Leadership Programs. It outlines the purpose of the club/organization, membership information, the selection and responsibilities of officers, procedures for ratification and amendments, guidelines for meetings, etc.


Legal responsibility for actions or damages.

Student Life and Leadership Programs

Student Life and Leadership Programs extends opportunities for personal growth and development to students through their participation in clubs/organizations. Student Life and Leadership Programs provides support to these groups in planning activities and special events.


A student club/organization/group encompassing a wide range of interests, including academic, cultural, Greek, recreational, religious, and special interest areas.


In order to exercise the privileges afforded to student clubs/organizations at Cal State East Bay, all student clubs/organizations must be granted official recognition by the university (through Student Life and Leadership Programs). This process is a means for the university to ensure that each club/organization is composed primarily of and exists for the primary benefit of Cal State East Bay students, has goals consistent with the university's educational mission, operates in a means that is consistent with university policies, and has the structure necessary to function as a successful organization.


The process of choosing/retiring an On-Campus Advisor.


The student club/organization that is coordinating and is responsible for an event.

  • ; University Union 314, (510) 885-4843
  • BaySync
  • ; LI 1063, (510) 885-3791
  • ; Pioneer Heights, (510) 885-7444
  • ; New University Union, Room 2011, (510) 885-3657
  • ; (510) 885-3507
  • ; (510) 885-4843
  • In Case of Emergencies: 911