Writing Associates

A tutor looking over a student's shoulder at a laptop. Photo by Jose Aljovin on Unsplash.

Writing Associates (WAs) are enrolled students embedded within regular and hybrid courses for one semester to assist faculty and students in writing assignments that encourage engagement in the entire writing process, including feedback and revision. WAs are given training in tutoring writing, such as commenting and conferencing on writing, and writing pedagogy. The WA Program follows  principles and practices which view writing as a recursive process that requires awareness of audience, purpose, and genre, and that writing can be used as a pedagogical tool to help students learn and communicate content in any course in the college curriculum.

Partner with us! Writing Associates support your students by:

  • Establishing their role in the course for the semester with the instructor, which can include giving written feedback, presenting an in-class workshop, or developing learning materials for students, depending on students’ needs throughout the semester
  • Scheduling and providing individual and/or group consultations with students in addressing global and local concerns of a writing assignment
  • Serving as writing tutor during SCAA tutoring/service hours
  • Meeting with the instructor regularly and attending the class throughout the semester
  • Having a presence on the course Canvas site
  • Being a student thought-partner for the professor when it comes to designing writing assignments or responding to students' needs.  A great resource to start the conversation is Muriel Harris' "Assignments from Hell"

Frequently Asked Questions

Any GWR/writing intensive course, critical thinking and composition course, or any other course with a significant amount of writing.
Yes and No. The WA does not assess student work (i.e. grade) or serve as a substitute teacher. The WA also does not run errands or carry out busy work for the professor. The WA can offer workshops and mini lessons and can give feedback on student writing.
Consider what role the WA will play in your course and how the WA will help students with their writing. This role may develop and evolve, based on your collaborative partnership. The SCAA Coordinator for the Writing Tutor Programs will support the process, as needed. It is expected that all WA Faculty will also administer a student survey and complete a faculty survey at the end of the semester.
One semester, although once you have engaged with a WA, you get top priority for continuing with the program. We highly recommend that you do continue. Many of the collaborations get stronger and more successful over subsequent semesters.
That should not be a problem. As an outsider to your discipline, the WA can offer insight on the learner’s perspective. The student expertise in writing pedagogy will help other students understand and complete your writing assignments and can help you scaffold and clarify those assignments as needed.
Yes. The WA can participate in your course's Blackboard/Canvas site and also respond to student emails, as long as the working hours align with policies and the student's other commitments.
Yes. The WA can assist with group work, discussions, critical thinking, and critical reading. We suggest being explicit with the WA about your expectations and needs as well as considering the WA’s particular areas of interest and skills.
The faculty member identifies the WA's particular skills and areas of interest and leverages these. The course offers hands-on writing activities during class time (or for asynchronous courses, there are interactive activities offered). The WA becomes part of the classroom community and earns the trust and respect of students and faculty.