Rename An Asset


Renaming an asset on Cascade CMS will change its system name. The system name is the name that shows up on the site's URL and the left-hand asset tree in Cascade Server. System names should ONLY contain lowercase letters and dashes.


Before the change

  • The System name is displayed in site's URL

    url showing page-1

  • The System Name is displayed in Cascade Server's asset tree

    display as page-1 in asset tree

After the change

  • The System name displayed in site's URL

    url showing education

  • The System Name displayed in Cascade Server's asset tree

    asset named education

How To Rename An Asset?

  1. Log into and select your site.
  2. Select the asset to be renamed.

    select asset

  3. Select More to open the drop-down menu.

    select more to open dropdown menu

  4.  Select Rename on the drop-down menu.

    select rename from dropdown menu

  5. Enter the appropriate name for the new page.
    Note: Use only lowercase and replace space with hyphen(-) and leading/trailing spaces are not allowed

    change name field

  6. Select Rename.

    select rename button

  7. Preview changes made to the asset's name.

    preview changes made

  8. When you're ready to go live, the last step is to Publish the Changes.