Image Gallery


The Image Gallery is a content type available only for interior pages. It is essentially a gallery containing thumbnail images that may be expanded upon being selected. The images may have the maximum dimension of 1000 pixels in width and any height.  See a table of all template image size requirements.


How To Add An Image Gallery?

  1. Log into and select your site.
  2. Navigate to the page where the Image Gallery will be added.

    navigate to folder

  3. Select Edit.

    select edit

  4. Select + icon on Main to add a new content type.

    add new content type

  5. Select Image Gallery in the newly added content type.

    selecting template

  6. *Optional*
    Enter a title in Title field if applicable.


  7. Expand Image Gallery > Image.

  8. Select Choose File to select an image for the Image Gallery.

    choose file and alt text highlighted

  9. *Optional*
    Enter a Caption Title and a Caption for the selected image.

    adding captions

  10. Add, Delete and Reorder Buttons:
    • Use Green '+' icon to add more Buttons
    • Use Up and Down Arrows to reorder Buttons
    • Use Red 'X' icon to remove Buttons

    Up and Down Arrows

  11. Select Preview Draft.

    preview draft button

  12. After previewing changes made, select Submit to confirm the changes.

    Select Submit

  13. Enter Comments for changes made.

    Enter Comments

  14. Select Check Content & Submit to add changes to your site.

    Check Content and Submit

  15. Select the Check Box.

    SpellCheck Checkbox

  16. When you're ready to go live, the last step is to publish the changes.