View Live & Test Link


What is a test link?

A test link allows you to view the webpage online using a test url.  This is the only link to our test server and the link should only be shared internally.  

What is a production link?

A production link is your final url for the webpage.  It is used as the final version and could viewed by anyone, publicly. 

How to access the Test Link and the Production Link?

  1. Log into and select your site.
  2. Navigate to the page that you would like to view.

    Navigate to Page

  3. Select More.


  4. Select Live.


  5. A new tab will open up automatically.
    Type in "dev" in the URL after the "www" to get to your test link. See example below.

    test URL with the "dev" included

  6. Remove the "dev" in the URL to get to your production page. Like the example below.

    url link without the "dev"