Africa Mitochondrial Haplogroup Distribution Map
Civil-rights activist Young finds roots of his African ancestry through DNA
Energized in part by the reparations movement, many African-Americans are exploring their origins. Through study of the slave trade, DNA testing and more, they hope to resolve the problems of today.
Out of Africa? Americans search for ancestry
Genealogy Reclaiming the Past (and Maybe a Continent, Too)
Genetic ancestry and the search for personalized genetic histories
The African-American DNA Roots Project at Boston University
Mitochondrial DNA Genetic Diversity among Four Ethnic Groups in Sierra Leone
Do the Four Clades of the mtDNA Haplogroup L2 Evolve at Different Rates?
(2001, Torroni et al., AJHG)
9 page pdf
The Making of the African mtDNA Landscape 
(2002, Salas et al., AJHG)
30 page pdf
mtDNA transit between West Asia and North Africa inferred from U6 phylogeography
(2003, Maca-Meyer et al., BMC Genetics)
8 page pdf
The African Diaspora: Mitochondrial DNA and the Atlantic Slave Trade
(2004, Salas et al. AJHG)
12 page pdf
African Haplogroup L mtDNA Sequences Show Violations of Clock-like Evolution
(2004, Howell et al., MBE)
12 page pdf
Surnames, Genes and Genealogy BBC Radio article - Personal saga of Dr. Brian Sykes
tracing his SYKES surname via traditional genealogical
records and DNA
Genetic evidence for different male and female roles in the British Isles
(2001, Wilson et al., PNAS)
6 page pdf
Y Chromosome Evidence for Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration
(2002, Weale et al., MBE)
18 page pdf
A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles 
(2003, Capelli et al., CB)
6 page pdf
(2004) BBC article - combines Stronium/Oxygen analysis with DNA
Tracing the Phylogeography of Human Populations in Britain Based on 4th-11th Century mtDNA Genotypes
(2005, Töpf et al., MBE)
10 page pdf - Doggerland refugium poposed
Myths of British Ancestry
(2006, Oppenheimer, Prospect)
6 page pdf - Celts not as important as thought
The Emerging Tree of West Eurasian mtDNAs: A Synthesis of Control-Region Sequences and RFLPs
(1999, Macaulay et al., AJHG)
18 page pdf
The molecular genetics of European ancestry
(1999, Sykes, PRS)
10 page pdf - mtDNA
An Indian Ancestry: a Key for Understanding Human Diversity in Europe and Beyond
(2000, Kivisild et al.)
11 page pdf
Geographic Patterns of mtDNA Diversity in Europe
(2000, Simoni et al., AJHG)
7 page pdf
The Genetic Legacy of Paleolithic Homo sapiens sapiens in Extant Europeans: A Y Chromosome Perspective
(2000, Semino et al., Science)
5 page pdf
Y-Chromosomal Diversity in Europe Is Clinal and Influenced Primarily by Geography, Rather than by Language
(2000, Rosser et al., AJHG)
18 page pdf
Phylogenetic Network for European mtDNA
(2001,Finnilä et al., AJHG)
10 page pdf
Genetics and the population history of Europe 
(2001, Barujani & Bertorelle, PNAS)
4 page pdf
The Neolithic Transition in Europe: Archaeological Models and Genetic Evidence
(2001, Richards)
9 page pdf
In Search of Geographical Patterns in European Mitochondrial DNA
(2002, Richards et al., AJHG)
7 page pdf
Africans and Asians Abroad: Genetic Diversity in Europe
(2004, Barbujani & Goldstein, Annual Reviews)
34 page pdf
Phylogeography of Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I Reveals Distinct Domains of Prehistoric Gene Flow in Europe 
(2004, Rootsi et al., AJHG)
10 page pdf
High-resolution mtDNA evidence for the late-glacial resettlement of Europe from an Iberian refugium
(2005, Pereira, Genome Research)
The effect of the Neolithic expansion on European molecular diversity
(2005, Currat & Excoffier, PRS)
10 page pdf
No Signature of Y Chromosomal Resemblance Between Possible Descendants of the Cimbri in Denmark and Northern Italy
(2007, Børglum, AJPA)
7 page pdf
Mitochondrial Genotype Associated with French Caucasian Centenarians
French-Canadian Beginnings
Clan of Helena (OA Forum)
Beginning German Research
German Interest Genealogy
mtDNA analysis of the Galician population: a genetic edge of European variation
(1998, Salas et al.,EJHG)
12 page pdf
An mtDNA Analysis in Ancient Basque Populations: Implications for Haplogroup V as a Marker for a Major Paleolithic Expansion from Southwestern Europe
(1999. Izagirre & de la Rúa,AJHG)
9 page pdf
Diversity of mtDNA lineages in Portugal: not a genetic edge of European variation
(2000, Perreira et al.,AHG)
16 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA Affinities at the Atlantic Fringe of Europe
(2002, González et al.,AJPA)
14 page pdf
Reduced genetic structure of the Iberian peninsula revealed by Y-chromosome analysis: implications for population demography
(2004, Flores et al.,Gene)
9 page pdf
The Molecular Dissection of mtDNA Haplogroup H Confirms That the Franco-Cantabrian Glacial Refuge Was a Major Source for the European Gene Pool
(2004, Achilli et al,AJHG)
9 page pdf
A Basque Country autochthonous population study of 11 Y-chromosome STR loci
(2004, Garcia et al.,FSI)
4 page pdf - list of 89 Basque haplotypes
High-resolution mtDNA evidence for the late-glacial resettlement of Europe from an Iberian refugium
(2005, Perreira et al.,Genome Research)
6 page pdf
Temporal Mitochondrial DNA Variation in the Basque Country: Influence of Post-Neolithic Events
(2005, Alzualde, AHG)
16 page pdf
Insights Into the ‘‘Isolation’’ of the Basques: mtDNA Lineages from the Historical Site of Aldaieta (6th – 7th Centuries AD)
(2006, Alzualde et al.,AJPA)
11 page pdf
The mitochondrial lineage U8a reveals a Paleolithic settlement in the Basque country
(2006, González et al.,BMC Genomics)
25 page draft pdf
Clan of Velda Web Site
(Whit Athey)
Clan of Velda (OA Forum)
Peopling of India Thorough intro
Races in India Good intro
History of Ancient Indian Conquest Told in Modern Genes, Experts Say
ShortS.F. Chroniclearticle
An Indian Ancestry: a Key for Understanding Human Diversity in Europe and Beyond
(2000, Kivisild et al.)
14 page pdf
Y-chromosome SNP haplotypes suggest evidence of gene flow among caste, tribe, and the migrant Siddi populations of Andhra Pradesh, South India
(2001, Ramana et al.,EJHG)
6 page pdf
Genetic evidence suggests European migrants may have influenced the origins of India's caste system
Abstract + links
Ethnic populations of India as seen from an evolutionary perspective
(2001, Majumder,Journal of Bioscience)
13 page pdf
Complex Signals for Population Expansions in Europe and Beyond
(2002, Tambets et al.)
10 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals diverse histories of tribal populations from India
(2003, Cordaux et al.,EJHG)
12 page pdf
Genetic Heritage of the Earliest Settlers Persists Both in Indian Tribal and Caste Populations
(2003, Kivisild et al.,AJHG)
20 page pdf
The Genetics of Language and Farming Spread in India
(2003, Kivisild et al., InExaming the Farming/Language Dispersal Hypothesis)
9 page pdf
Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in South and Southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans
(2004, Metspalu et al.,BMC Genetics)
25 page pdf
Independent Origins of Indian Caste and Tribal Paternal Lineages
(2004, Cordaux et al.,CB)
5 page pdf
Calabria DNA project
We Are Tyrolean!
Italian Research
Clinal patterns of human Y chromosomal diversity in continental Italy and Greece are dominated by drift and founder effects
(2002, DiGiacomo et al.,MPE)
9 page pdf
Y-chromosome variation and Irish origins
(2000, Hill et al.,Nature)
2 page pdf
mtDNA and the Islands of the North Atlantic: Estimating the Proportions of Norse and Gaelic Ancestry
(2001, Helgason et al.,AJHG)
15 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism: its role in longevity of the Irish population
The Longue Dureé of Genetic Ancestry: Multiple Genetic Marker Systems and Celtic Origins on the Atlantic Facade of Europe
(2004, McEvoy,AJHG)
11 page pdf
If Irish Claim Nobility, Science May Approve
(2006, Wade,NYT)
A Y-Chromosome Signature of hegemony in Gaelic Ireland
(2006, Moore,AJHG)
5 page pdf
Y Chromosomes of Jewish Priests
(1997, Hammer et al.,Nature)
3 page pdf
Why Y ? The Y Chromosome in the study of human evolution, migration and prehistory
(1998, Bradman & Thomas,Science Spectra)
Origins of Old Testament priests
(1998, Thomas et al.,Nature)
2 page pdf
The DNA Chain of Tradition: The Discovery of the "Cohen Gene"
Y Chromosomes Traveling South: The Cohen Modal Haplotype and the Origins of the Lemba—the “Black Jews of Southern Africa”
(2000, Thomas et al.,AJHG)
13 page pdf
In DNA, New Clues to Jewish Roots
(2002, Wade,NYT)
Founding Mothers of Jewish Communities: Geographically Separated Jewish Groups Were Independently Founded by Very Few Female Ancestors
(2002, Thomas et al.,AJHG)
10 page pdf
The Fallacy of Biological Judaism
(2003, Pollack)
2 page pdf
DNA and the Sephardic Diaspora: Spanish and Portuguese Jews in Europe
(2003, Lavender)
Multiple Origins of Ashkenazi Levites: Y Chromosome Evidence for Both Near Eastern and European Ancestries
(2003, Behar et al.,AJHG)
12 page pdf -- In contrast to the Cohanim the Levites appear to have a much more recent origin.
Beginning Jewish Research
Y chromosome evidence for a founder effect in Ashkenazi Jews
(2004, Nebel et al.,EJHG)
4 page pdf
MtDNA evidence for a genetic bottleneck in the early history of the Ashkenazi Jewish population 
(2004, Behar et al.,EJHG)
10 page pdf
A Mosaic of People: The Jewish Story and a Reassessment of the DNA Evidence
(2005, Levy-Coffman,JGG)
22 page pdf
The Multiple Meanings of Jewish Genes
(2005, Kahn,CMP)
15 page pdf
New Light on Origins of Ashkenazi in Europe
(2006, Wade,NYT)
Love You, K2a2a, Whoever You Are
(2006, Harmon,NYT)
The Matrilineal Ancestry of Ashkenazi Jewry: Portrait of a Recent Founder Event
(2006, Behar et al.,AJHG)
11 page pdf
Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence
(2006, Cochran)
40 page draft pdf
Ashkenazi or Sephardi? DNA Unites Jewish Families, but Raises Questions
(2006, Dardashti, World Jewry)
DNA & the Peopling of Siberia
Phylogeny of East Asian Mitochondrial DNA Lineages Inferred from Complete Sequences
(Kong et al.,2003,AJHG)
6 page pdf
The Genetic Legacy of the Mongols
(2003, Zerjal et al,AJHG)
Admixture, migrations, and dispersals in Central Asia: evidence from maternal DNA lineages
(2004, Comas et al.,EJHG)
10 page pdf
The Hidden History of Men [Ghengis Khan]
(2004, Kunzig,Discovery)
14 page pdf
Genetic Study focuses on Asians (2004) MSNBC article
Ghengis Khan (Radio Lab Detective Stories)
DNA & Native American Origins
Native American Sample Report 5 page pdf
The Genealogy of Mexico: DNA Surname Project
The Central Siberian Origin for Native American Y Chromosomes
(1999, Santos et al.,AJHG)
mtDNA Affinities of the Peoples of North-Central Mexico
(2000, Green et al.,AJHG)
10 page pdf
(2001, Rangel-Villalobos,RIC)
Mitochondrial DNA variation in a Mestizo population from the Southwest Pacific Mexican coasts
Native American Sample Report 5 page pdf
(2001) BBC Two article -
Coming into America: Tracing the Genes AScientific American Frontierssite
The Structure of Diversity within New World Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups: Implications for the Prehistory of North America
(2002, Mahli et al.,AJHG)
15 page pdf
Haplogroup X Confirmed in Prehistoric North America
(2002, Mahli & Smith,AJPA)
3 page pdf
Y-Chromosome Evidence for Differing Ancient Demographic Histories in the Americas
(2003, Bertolini,AJHG)
16 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA Studies of Native Americans: Conceptions and Misconceptions of the
Population Prehistory of the Americas

(2003, Eshleman et al.,EB)
12 page pdf
High-Resolution SNPs and Microsatellite Haplotypes Point to a Single, Recent Entry of Native American Y Chromosomes into the Americas
(2003, Zegura et al,MBE)
Abstract & article
The Peopling of the New World: Perspectives from Molecular Anthropology
(2004, Schurr,Annual Reviews)
40 page pdf
mtDNA From Hair and Nail Clarifies the Genetic Relationship of the 15th Century Qilakitsoq Inuit Mummies
(2007, Gilbert et al.,AJPA)
7 page pdf
Origins and Divergence of the Roma (Gypsies)
(2001, Gresham et al.,AJHG)
18 page pdf
Research in Russia
(2002, Maliarchuk et al.,Genetika) Abstract
Mitochondrial DNA variability in Poles and Russians
(2002, Malyarchuk et al.,AHG)
23 page pdf
Diversity of Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups in Ethnic Populations of the Volga–Ural Region
(2002, Bermisheva et al., MB)
11 page pdf
Testing hypotheses of language replacement in the Caucasus: evidence from the Y-chromosome
(2003, Nasidze et al.,Hum Gen)
7 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variations in the Caucasus
(2004, Nasidze et al.,AHG)
Molecular Middle Ages Of The Russian North
DNA Report Revives Czar Mystery
Ander's Son and Erik's Daughter: Starting with Swedish Records 
Saami Mitochondrial DNA Reveals Deep Maternal Lineage Clusters
(1998, Delghandi et al.,Hum Hered)
mtDNA and the Origin of the Icelanders: Decipering Signals of Recent Population History
(2000, Helgason et al.,AJHG)
Different genetic components in the Norwegian population revealed by the analysis of mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms
(2002, Cavalleri et al.,EJHG)
The Western and Eastern Roots of the Saami–the Story of Genetic “Outliers” Told by Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosomes
(2004, Tambets et al.,AJHG)
Saami and Berbers—An Unexpected Mitochondrial DNA Link
(2005, Achilli et al.,AJHG)
Native American Sample Report
Lack of founding Amerindian mitochondrial DNA lineages in extinct Aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia
(1996, Lalueza et al.,HMG)
The Ancestry of Brazilian mtDNA Lineages
(2000, Alves-Silva,AJHG)
18 page pdf
Mitochondrial DNA Diversity in South America and the Genetic History of Andean Highlanders
(2003, Fuselli et al.,MBE)
New World Newcomers: Men's DNA supports recent settlement of the Americas
Science Newsarticle
Recovery and Identification of Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences of a 500-Year-Old Inca Mummy
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of Ancient Peruvian Highlanders
(2006, Shinoda et al.,AJPA)
10 page pdf