- Risk Management and Internal Control
- Compliance & Internal Control
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Asbestos & Lead
- Biological Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Diving & Boating Safety
- Drinking Water
- EHS Forms
- EHS Training
- Environmental Protection
- Fire & Life Safety
- Hazardous Waste
- Industrial Safety
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Laboratory Safety
- Medical Monitoring
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Radiation Safety
- Safety Concern
- Safety Data Sheets
- Safety Tips
- Storm Water Protection
- Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
- Ergonomics
- Field Trips
- Support Services
- Workers' Compensation
- Minors on Campus
- Off Campus Resources
- Whistleblower
- Whistleblower
Hazardous Materials and Waste Disposal
Hazardous Material & Waste
Hazardous materials are substances that exhibit one of four characteristics (corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, toxicity) or are specifically listed as hazardous waste by the EPA or California EPA. Hazardous waste from the University's operations, including laboratories, must be managed according to State and Federal regulations. Not doing so can lead to civil and criminal penalties.
Campus employees generating hazardous waste must complete annual training. Employees include Faculty, Student Assistants, and Staff. Training can be completed by attending classroom training or completing computer-based training. Contact EHS (x5-4138) if you have questions about the training.
Medical and Biohazardous Waste
CSUEB is registered as a medical waste generator with the Alameda and Concord County Department of Environmental Health. CSUEB maintains compliance with the requirements of the Medical Waste Management Act of 1990, as defined by Division 20, Chapter 6.1 of the California Health and Safety.
Universal Waste
Universal waste include used batteries (lithium, mercuric oxide, nickel cadmium, silver oxide, lead acid, alkaline), used lamps (fluorescent tubes, high intensity discharge, high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, metal halide, neon), and non-PCB and PCB light ballast.
Electronic Waste
Electrical/electronic (non-computer) equipment is considered Universal Waste. These can contain hazard materials and materials that can be recycled. Contact Matt O'Keefe in Property Management for proper disposal.
Computers E-Waste
Computers, printers, and peripherals are types of Electronic and Universal Waste that must be disposed properly. Like electronic waste these can contain hazard materials that must be disposed of properly or that can be recycled. Contact IT for proper disposal.