- Risk Management and Internal Control
- Compliance & Internal Control
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Asbestos & Lead
- Biological Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Diving & Boating Safety
- Drinking Water
- EHS Forms
- EHS Training
- Environmental Protection
- Fire & Life Safety
- Hazardous Waste
- Industrial Safety
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Laboratory Safety
- Medical Monitoring
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Radiation Safety
- Safety Concern
- Safety Data Sheets
- Safety Tips
- Storm Water Protection
- Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
- Ergonomics
- Field Trips
- Support Services
- Workers' Compensation
- Minors on Campus
- Off Campus Resources
- Whistleblower
- Whistleblower
Medical Monitoring Program
Medical Monitoring is a health evaluation that applies to all employees potentially exposed to certain hazardous materials or conditions in the workplace to ensure that their health and safety are not adversely affected. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) determines whether or not an employee is to be included in the program. The employee's supervisor forwards job task information to EHS for determination. An exit evaluation will be offered to all employees who have participated in this Program. Contact EHS (x5-4138) if you believe you should be included in the program.