- Risk Management and Internal Control
- Compliance & Internal Control
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Asbestos & Lead
- Biological Safety
- Chemical Safety
- Diving & Boating Safety
- Drinking Water
- EHS Forms
- EHS Training
- Environmental Protection
- Fire & Life Safety
- Hazardous Waste
- Industrial Safety
- Injury & Illness Prevention Program
- Laboratory Safety
- Medical Monitoring
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Radiation Safety
- Safety Concern
- Safety Data Sheets
- Safety Tips
- Storm Water Protection
- Traffic & Pedestrian Safety
- Ergonomics
- Field Trips
- Support Services
- Workers' Compensation
- Minors on Campus
- Off Campus Resources
- Whistleblower
Risk Consultations
Our Services
- Assist students in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that arise from academic and extracurricular activities.
- Foreign Travel Insurance
- Special Event Insurance
- F-1 Students
- Serving Alcohol
- East Bay employees: (instructions and online approval form)
- External parties: (instructions and request approval form from facresv@csueastbay.
edu, or uureservation@csueastbay.edu)
- Lead the University in identifying, assessing, and mitigating operational, financial, reputational, and legal risks affecting the campus.
- Responding to Reports of Incidents and Complaints
- Managing claims against the University
- Coordinating and monitoring mandated trainings on various subject areas.
- Coordinating and monitoring State mandated filing and disclosures
- Assist departments and visitors in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that arise from field trips, campus events and functions.
- Working with all departments on meeting insurance requirements for agreements and contracts
- Fine arts insurance
- Minors on Campus
- Lead the campus in preparing to sustain critical functions after a disruptive emergency event.